Friday, November 19, 2010

You Have a Problem

Hello again, and we are back. In this column, we have been following the nefarious plots of the SSS, Secret Society of Students. In an earlier post, we talked about how polar bears might rebel and how the butter and margarine companies would be hurt, but now we are moving on to a little warmer spot. The Amazing Australia! Australia is the second leading toast producer, next to Antarctica. If the SSS's (thats a lot of s's) plan succeeds, Australia will be the next target. Some of my spies there have seen the kangaroos being very active. We have seen that they are creating a rocket and are attaching a magnet to it that has a label on it as being "a toaster attracting magnet". We expect that they will strap the magnet to it, and send it to the sun, but before it reaches that, it will of attracted all of the toasters on Australia to it, and then they would be no toasters left on Australia. Oh the horror! We plan to send in people to sabotage the rockets fuel tank, but there are kangaroo guards everywhere. They are deadly with their boomerangs. They can throw them and always hit somebody, but it always comes back and hits them too. They are deadly to enemies and themselves. We hope that our plan will work and I will get back when I know more information.

1 comment:

  1. Well thats sad, dont you have minions? Just send in more little weakling minions in then they have kangaroos, and you win! Geeze, some people just dont get the whole world conquest thing...

