Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Invasion Of Me!

Ok, well i have never really done this blog, but i will try and start now. I have noticed some very fun things going on, and i will do my best to slowly corrode you all and be the supreme ruler of this blog.
(and anyone who knows me should know what this is, sorry for the little dots in between the eyebrows.)

(a half-failed attempt)


  1. Ha, you think that you can corrupt me, but I am incorruptable. A penguin has but one weakness that I alone know.
    P.S. And that was a very failed attempt.
    \/ \/
    | | or | |
    \__/ \__/
    V V

  2. You cannot corrupt someone who is already corrupted! Ha! Take that, >:)

    Marisa B.
    P.S. You both fail at making smileys.

  3. no, those dont work you silly penguin. And i have other ways than just corruption...

    (This will just be my new signature, much easier)
