Sunday, November 28, 2010

Abstract Energy-By Kylee Call

The picture I looked at wasn't really anything. It didn't have and extremely obvious purpose or idea. There were lots of colors and shapes. Randomly placed throughout the picture there wasn't neccisarily a huge idea that struck me. Some of the shapes looked like fish. The colors were all very bright. It gave off sort of a warning feeling. Nothing bad, nothing special, just interesting to look at.


  1. I like how you were so blunt about this.

    -Blake Harsh

  2. I like how you ended it with your "warning" idea!
    -Conner Wilkinson

  3. Kylee,
    You had good ideas, I liked your creative thoughts.
    -Ciera Bradley

  4. Oh Kylee, I love the way you talk and write. You're so blunt and you point everything out as clearly as possible:)
    Maddie McMillan

  5. Kylee,
    That is a great description of a picture. I especially liked your title; very original!

    Dallas Anderson
