Thursday, October 15, 2009

Two of my Biggest Grammar Pet Peeves by: Brynn Hall

I was in Honors English when Mrs. Lafortune got me thinking about my biggest grammar pet peeves, hence, the title. When everyone was telling the class about their own personal pet peeves, I started noticing more and more. So, I think my number one grammar pet peeve is when people say, "That was the most funniest," instead of saying,"That was the most fun," or,"That was the funnest." I hadn't really realized it was a pet peeve until English that day, now it bugs me so much! I especially hate when people use text talk, like, OMG, LOL, TTYL, LYLAS, and so on. If I start to use any grammar that would bug you, please let me know! Thanks!


  1. Oh my goodness! I know exactly what you mean! Ever since that one day in Honors English, I have been more and more bothered by bad grammar. I really think that a lot of people have no idea what grammar is right and what grammar is wrong.

  2. That is one of the most annoyingest grammar mistakes that I ever here.
    Peter Rosen
