Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You Have a Problem

Hello and welcome to what is once again NOT You Have a Problem. Yes that is right, Patrick Suanda is back. Just for any of you wondering, I might or might not of blocked Aninimous out, again. Before I get down to business, I want to answer a couple things. (These are for the mysterious person you doesn't sign his or her name, I know who you are.) The SSS was a secret organization before that idiot Aninimous shouted it all out to the world. I mean, had you every heard of the SSS before Aninimous said it. Also, how you can join the SSS is to talk to one of my associates. If you can't find them, they will find you. You will be informed within 24 hours (possibly longer on weekends.). As for my long term plans, you would have to join, and I might decide to tell you. Well, now onto a topic of my choice. Hmm, what should I talk about. Suggestions, suggestions.

No suggestions, I am disappointed in you, fine I will talk about is why I am such a good villian. (I am taking these example from Peters thing for world domination, because they kind of apply for any evil scheme.)
1. I am NOT accident prone. I don;'t make stupid mistakes that lead to my destruction. Ok, well there was that one time Aninimous captured the base and captured 42 agents and almost me, but other than that I am not accident prone.

2. I do not have bad planning. As you can tell, I did not just destroy major producers of toast on a whim. Careful planning has gone into everything that I do. I check, double check, and redouble check before executing any plans.

3. Ok, this one makes me laugh, but a hero, to stop me. Aninimous, he couldn't stop me even if I was all alone. You might be thinking that he almost get me with that taser, but the thing is, that me and Ryan (that was his name) were five feet apart, and Aninimous was about ten feet from us. Aninimous could not hit me, if I was right in front of him, and chained to the wall. Also, Peter, has done nothing to make me fear him.

4. The self destruct button. The self destruct button helped me. I actually know how to use it. When Aninimous raided the first base, the self destruct button destroyed all of the computers so Aninimous couldn't get any information. The self destruct button helps me, unlike most villians.

5. General stupidity. How in the world does that apply to me! If it applies to anyone, it's the people that believe that they can stop me. This has to do with Aninimous and Peter thinking that they can delay the inevitable.

Well, I think that thats enough for now. I shall be back soon.
Patrick Suanda