Monday, February 28, 2011

26 Ways to Fail

Sorry if you haven't caught the error yet but q comes before f. My apologies. Today is G. So let's do good grades. In Spanish we did a reflection about our video project. So here is my reflection with the commentary. I hope you see the funny part of it. (comments in **)
For one week in Spanish class, I got to be a director. I cast my friends in "DJ AVAA Studio's production of Subject Pronouns. I had Dany, Amanda, Allie, Vanessa, and Alison in my group. The week was filled with deadlines and lack of sleep. *Sorry* Well, at least the last day. We worked hard on our video and worked together well.
What I personally did was I was the technical producer and editor. I recorded all of the voice clips, supplied the camera and spent 7 hours *wow I know how you feel* on a computer fixing bunk files and putting the video all together. We couldn't all meet together at each others houses due to scheduling conflicts but we managed to record all of the voice clips in the hallway. On Thursday night, I had play practice until 6pm. I spent an hour on food (dinner0 and other homework then immediately started working on the video. I sacrificed sleep for this. From 7-11 I worked on editing the sound files to correct any errors and to choose the best takes. From 11-1am I slept and then form approximately 1:14 am I started working on the pictures and charts in the video. I fine tuned the music and timing at around 4 am and was finally finished by 4:45. bur of course my then I couldn't sleep and I had to get ready for school. so I hope that it was all worth it considering I am crashing right now in 6th period. *It was great!!!*
The reason why I taught why I taught why I taught is because I like Spanish and I think people should know about Spanish. There is also the fact that this was an assignment that was worth a lot of points on my grade and that i had to teach my peers. this video was different because it was the easiest to do with the schedules we all had. Also catchy graphics seem to attract young students to pay attention. The loud music also kept me awake when I was dosing off. *:)*
I learned more about subject pronouns and I memorized them better. I learned easier ways to teach them and i learned how to pull and all nighter for an assignment and to juggle play rehearsal and a normal school life. *Great life skill* I learned that I crash in 6th period with 2 hours of sleep. I learned I truly love the Spanish language.
I would just like to say that this was an amazing experience and I learned so much about subject pronouns. This may be the insomnia talking but this assignment was awesome. we had so much fun recording and even with all of the stress, I managed to pull it off. My only regret is that the video might not have been creative enough. If only we had had another week then it might have been better. *It was creative and you did great!! Thanks for working so hard!*

And I got 30/30 points. Sarcasm Sr. Seevink does not know how to detect. So enjoy I guess...

Jasmine Crespo

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