Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You Have a Problem

Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
I want to depart from the SSS idea for a second and move onto something else.
Have you ever had a time where you have to be somewhere (I am going to use a recital as an example) and you are told to be there 10-15 minutes early. Say the recital is at 3:00 and at 2:00 your parent tells you that it is time to go. Well, the place isn't to far away, so you protest saying that it is too early, but they take you anyway. There ends up to be no traffic on the road and get there in 10 minutes. Well, you have nowhere to go and don't want to wait in the lobby of the place, so you go inside and listen to the other recitals, that you have no desire whatsoever to hear, and have to listen to those for 45 minutes. Well this hypothetical situation would be absolutely horrible for me, but of course this is hypothetical.
Well that was my little rant.
Well, that is all for...
What is this?
I have just been informed that Patrick Suanda has destroyed all toast in Sri Lanka!!!!
Wait, Sri Lanka?
Wait, the tiny thing?
Oh, Oh, well apparently a plane was flying above that was delivering a lot of toast and toast related products to China, but the plane was destroyed. I am not sure what has happened, but I am told it seemed to just disintegrate.
Well, now I think that is all...
What now?
Oh my dinner is ready.
Ok then

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