Monday, November 16, 2009

Victims? or Survivors?, Marisa Bell

1. Eva Galler was a 17 year old girl that was on a train to a death camp. The barbed wire broke and the older children where told to make a run for it. Their parents stayed with the younger kids and where gassed. Eva's brother and sister, who had also run, had been shot.

2. Another Anne Frank is Jeannine Burk. She was brought over to a woman's house by her dad and lived there for 2 years. When she was dropped off, she had no idea that this was the last time that she'd see her dad ever again.

3. Another one that made me want to read the book is Alicia Jurman. She was a girl only about 11-12 years old. She escaped death various times as well as help save other Jews. When the war was over, all of the family that she had was her mother. Her dad and brothers had all been shot or hanged. Here's the link if your interested.
I can connect these stories to the Book Thief because Liesel is hiding to be safe. All of these people had to hide to help. The survivors kept on to be able to live. It was especially hard for them because these are all examples of girls that are our age or younger that have lost family members. It's hard to think about losing your family at any age, but really hard when you only have half of an idea of what happened to them.

1 comment:

  1. I looked up holocaust survivors after I read this. I went to a random site and it had Jeannine Burk. Cool huh? But I like how you list survivors instead of victims.
