Monday, November 16, 2009

Holocaust Love Stories and How Love Relates- By Jasmine Crespo

Okay, I'm love romances and here's what I learned with some stories:
1.Love can survive the most horrible situations.
He was a teenager in a death camp in Nazi-controlled Germany. She was a bit younger, living free in the village, her family posing as Christians. Their eyes met through a barbed-wire fence and she wondered what she could do for this handsome young man.She was carrying apples, and decided to throw one over the fence. He caught it and ran away toward the barracks. And so it began. If you would like to read more go to-
2. Even though this story was made up- it gave hope to people and hope is what helped people survive.
3. Hitler was merciless in his killings. If you disagreed with him, you were as good as dead.

Love can survive anything, especially hate. In this world, with out hope, love and kindness, we'd all be lost in a sea of hate and self pity. Those who survived the holocaust are still loving caring people. Even those that helped the Jews are still loving. I believe that even some Nazis loved before Hitler hardened their hearts with fear. Love is in The Book Thief, Leisel loves her Papa and even Mama loves her in some weird way. Love can survive all. -Jasmine Crespo

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