Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just a Little Weather Status

Tonight is going to be in the single digits and FREEZING! The reason for this sudden change of weather this lovely January evening is because of the clear skies. There are no heavy clouds to block the fierce winds, and since it is the middle of January those winds, naturally, are going to be really cold. If you're doing anything tonight that causes you to go outdoors for even just a few minutes, make sure that you wear something really warm, or else you might just end up shivering so much that it looks like you're vibrating!
Normally, this is not the average thing I would post, but because I care about the welfare of all honor's ninth students, and i don't want any of them turning into frozen statues (like the ones in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) please take heed of this word of advice. Have a wonderful, WARM, evening!


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