Monday, April 4, 2011

The Light in Night By: Tessa Yates

Light and joy in the novel Night seems nonexistent. Darkness and loss fill the souls of the SS guards and the prisoners. The little light that does dwell in the concentration camps exists through positive influences like Elie's father, the French lady, Juliek, and Rabbi Eliahou. They bring hope to Elie that makes him realize the light that can shine through darkness. Light would never exist in the novel without the help of these few extraordinary people. Elie Wiesel's novel is also a source of light to the reader. The sad stories that flood the pages bring knowledge to the reader that makes them appreciate the light in which they hold in their own lives.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, tess! You had very great points. Very well written!
    Love, Zoe
