Monday, April 4, 2011

The Light I Night by Victoria Weston

Althought the book night was sad, but it showed that even when you are in the lowest places you can still make it out if you have faith and never give up. Faith and loved ones kept them alive. when they felt like all hope was lost and it did not matter what happened to them they were reassured by the one around them and there faith. Faith, determination and hope is what kept Elies alive during thoughs trying times.


  1. The book was sad, but I am glad that horror such like the Holocaust won't ever happen again-humans may repeat history, but we DO learn from our mistakes. I think your right about people staying alive because of loved ones.
    -- Taryn Green

  2. The book was sad... and it did show that even when you are the lowest, things can get better. That is a good thing to think about.

    Truly a work of art.
    Daniel Powell

  3. Very good thoughts Victoria! I like the word "determination" that you used. It is the perfect word to describe Elie and his father's journey throughout the Holocaust. Elie not only stayed alive because of his own determination, but he stayed alive for his father. I'm truly amazed by his strength :) Love ya!
    --Janelle Leppink

  4. Victoria you had such a simple answer. I loved it! You found the good in the book but had great voice in describing it!!
    -Maddie McMillan
