Monday, November 22, 2010

Battlefield Report

We must join together to defend the sanctity of our borders. They come. They come! Form the shield wall. Prepare for the assault. Prepare yourselves.


  1. I will fight with you Peter. I will help stop the oncoming swarm. I will fight for freedom. Give me freedom, or give me death.
    Steven Pappas

  2. Well Steven, i can arrange that. Though i do not wish this blog to be overrun, for i plan on ruling it myself. So i guess i will help. Time to go find those undead...


  3. Hey hey, overrun (inside joke). I don't like the idea of you killing me, or taking over the blog, even if I am never on. >:D, who needs undead when you have fish,(another inside joke).
    Steven Pappas
