I know I'm supposed to post something about g's so I'll do that then go onto my random topic.
GOOGLE: not only a number but a search engine. Personally I prefer Bing.
There is a place called random.org that generates random numbers and things like playing cards, or flipping coins. It's fun to waste your time and generate meaningless numbers.
Go to randomfunfacts.com for fun facts such as:
The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.
203 million dollars is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.
The adult online industry in the US has annual sales of at least $1 billion , and as many as 10 million paying subscribers.
More than half of American families with teenagers use filters to limit access to adult content online. (including mine)
Rice paper does not have any rice in it!
The longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.
GOOGLE: not only a number but a search engine. Personally I prefer Bing.
There is a place called random.org that generates random numbers and things like playing cards, or flipping coins. It's fun to waste your time and generate meaningless numbers.
Go to randomfunfacts.com for fun facts such as:
The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.
203 million dollars is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.
The adult online industry in the US has annual sales of at least $1 billion , and as many as 10 million paying subscribers.
More than half of American families with teenagers use filters to limit access to adult content online. (including mine)
Rice paper does not have any rice in it!
The longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.
These are all fine ideas to do if you are completely bored. Sorry I don't have anything that entertaining today but I'm kinda sick and don't feel like it. STUPID SORE THROATS. That is the only semi-bad part about winter.
-Jasmine Crespo
ENTER IN MY COMPETITION PEOPLE OR I WILL POST EMBARRASSING PICTURES! ALSO I'M HAVING A SEMI-NEW COMPETITION. Everyone who reads comment, start a new conversation and KEEP IT GOING. I want to see 100 comments by Monday. Everyone help!
At this rate, you will have very few comments by monday my friend.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Tomlinson
Sorry Jasmine. I'm having troubles posting my pictures.
ReplyDeletePeter Rosen
P.S. I refuse to comment! Oh, wait, um...Never mind. *Weak and thouroghly unconvincing laugh* Uh...I'm done now.
No you are not done!!
ReplyDeleteHow are you having problems? I can help! (now start a random arguement!!!)
-Jasmine Crespo
Come on! It will be absoultely LAME if I am the only one who comments! Okay I will start this argument because it is a good one.
ReplyDeleteThere is no such thing as a stupid/lame question.
-Jasmine Crespo
Sorry, I am a little delayed... I can help!!!
ReplyDelete-Allie Neff
See, I've already posted 2 comments!! Hmm, what do you know?
ReplyDelete-Allie Neff
ReplyDeleteTaylor T.
Okay, okay, I'm commenting!
No embarassing pictures, please!