Hello my faithful (or not so faithful0 readers. I am truly sorry that this post is so late but I got distracted with makeup work and I almost went to bed without posting. So what is it today, y? Oh okay. For the sake of predictability I will do this:

A delicious food item that is consumed for breakfast, lunch... and maybe dinner depending on what you normally eat. It comes in many flavors and can be homemade.
Y is a letter that well... is a vowel? No it isn't... is it? I mean in elementary we we learned A E I O U and SOMETIMES Y but what does that make it then? A consavowel? A vowelant? A unique hybrid of awesome and superb design that defies all common sense? By the way next week I'm starting a new alphabet. Peter knows it... CABDEF... well that's just a hint. (Argue the point above)
For all of you who aren't in my math class, I am now an SSS member. I was thinking more of SofT but, who knows? I might quit the SSS in a week or so.
Good job to the HJH Music classes though! A busy week with District Orchestra Day and District Band Day all in a row. Well, one day after the next. I'm sure the Band concert was awesome even though I was not there to see it. (Sorry I had matters of my own to attend to.) Tomorrow is the Talent Show! Also, Honors Choir is leaving too. Talent Show! Many acts. I'm not saying anything more that I might regret. Well goodnight.
Jasmine Crespo
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