"I think that it may be wise to clearly state just who is involved in the Toast War. You know, as a sort of index/glossary/reference sheet. It's getting to be quite complicated.
First we'll list the 3 major organizations involved:
1. The SSS (Secret Society of Students) This seemingly evil society aims to get rid of all toast. They have been quite successful in both Antarctica and Australia. They have many resources. Further goals are unknown.
2. The anti-SSS (anti-Secret Society of Students)* They only have one goal: stop the SSS. They are allied with the Penguin Police. Their successes have been few and far between. They are on shaky ground now that their top agent and co-founder has left.
3. The S of T (Society of Toast) This fairly new society seems to have one goal: protect toast. They don't necessarily oppose the SSS, but they are currently at odds. The leaders,
Taylor Josie and Isaac Erekson, are not directly connected with this blog.
Now let's talk about the people who matter:
1. Patrick Suanda- the mysterious mastermind behind the SSS.
2. Steven Pappas, Kevin the Driver, Henri Verdivekt (formerly known as Ron Petrese), the Marble Sail, Allie Neff-SSS members (not all are listed)
3. Aninimous-the penguin leader and co-founder of the anti-SSS; previously Patrick Suanda's arch nemesis
4. Santa Claus- agent for the anti-SSS; attempted to create a list of SSS members before being captured
5. Jessica Morpen-only other known anti-SSS agent
6. Isaac Erekson and Taylor Josie-co-founders and leaders of the S of T
7. The Jellyfish Ambassador-a mysterious person who leads an army of jellyfish army; does not have any clear affiliation
8. >:D-SSS affiliate that seems to have disappeared
9. Jasmine Crespo-a thus far neutral person, who may play a larger role in the conflict in the near future.
10. Peter Rosen-the co-founder of the anti-SSS; he left the anti-SSS because of frustration with its performance; current arch-nemesis of Patrick Suanda; slightly leaning toward the S of T, although unlikely to join
*Sometimes called Save All Toast (SAT)"
First we'll list the 3 major organizations involved:
1. The SSS (Secret Society of Students) This seemingly evil society aims to get rid of all toast. They have been quite successful in both Antarctica and Australia. They have many resources. Further goals are unknown.
2. The anti-SSS (anti-Secret Society of Students)* They only have one goal: stop the SSS. They are allied with the Penguin Police. Their successes have been few and far between. They are on shaky ground now that their top agent and co-founder has left.
3. The S of T (Society of Toast) This fairly new society seems to have one goal: protect toast. They don't necessarily oppose the SSS, but they are currently at odds. The leaders,
Taylor Josie and Isaac Erekson, are not directly connected with this blog.
Now let's talk about the people who matter:
1. Patrick Suanda- the mysterious mastermind behind the SSS.
2. Steven Pappas, Kevin the Driver, Henri Verdivekt (formerly known as Ron Petrese), the Marble Sail, Allie Neff-SSS members (not all are listed)
3. Aninimous-the penguin leader and co-founder of the anti-SSS; previously Patrick Suanda's arch nemesis
4. Santa Claus- agent for the anti-SSS; attempted to create a list of SSS members before being captured
5. Jessica Morpen-only other known anti-SSS agent
6. Isaac Erekson and Taylor Josie-co-founders and leaders of the S of T
7. The Jellyfish Ambassador-a mysterious person who leads an army of jellyfish army; does not have any clear affiliation
8. >:D-SSS affiliate that seems to have disappeared
9. Jasmine Crespo-a thus far neutral person, who may play a larger role in the conflict in the near future.
10. Peter Rosen-the co-founder of the anti-SSS; he left the anti-SSS because of frustration with its performance; current arch-nemesis of Patrick Suanda; slightly leaning toward the S of T, although unlikely to join
*Sometimes called Save All Toast (SAT)"
Quite a long quote I must say. Now this is not silly, it is of the utmost importance. Now most of us on the blog are in on this. So it is important. Hmm... well I didn't really want to elaborate much more. Also my brother needs to finish his book report so I need to get off. So to finish I'll post a random video that I took in 7th grade that I barely found, it was during spirit week so it's sorta weird and also I don't think the sound works. Good luck!
Okay so this is a really weird video and I'd like to point out that we all changed majorly from 7th to 9th grade. Especially me... *shiver* okay enough bad memories on to the video!
Jasmine Crespo
Okay that wasn't really enough content to be considered decent. So I will not be stuck on topics please suggest some that start with t. So, what is really going on with the blog? Here are some stats.
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Page views in all time. Wow. That's amazing! And now I'm done.
Jasmine Crespo
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