Good evening and hello my faiThful audience. Today is a very TanTalizing leTTer, one ThaT appears very ofTen in senTences; in facT iT is used every Time you wriTE “a senTence”. CaTch on? Too bad. Today is T! (Again This is noT sesame sTreeT so There is no number ThaT This posT is broughT To you by .) Also sorry iT’s laTe. Today my Teenage friends and Teachers, we shall go Through a TriumphanT Tale of T. As you can Tell, I am using Tons and Tons of T’s. They are jusT TesTing me by Teaming up and going inTo my senTences. FirsT in This Tremendous Tale, we shall see a TorTured hero fall inTo oblivion wiTh a Troublesome TwisT. JusT Teasing. My real posT is abouT ToasT! Now, all of us on The blog know ThaT ToasT is a greaT Thing. IT holds The difference beTween all The cookies in The world! Those of you who don’T geT ThaT joke… you fail. ExacTly why you read 26 Ways To Fail! ToasT, ToasT, ToasT, ironic parT is I acTually had French ToasT for dinner Today. My sisTer ThoughT I was insane when I sTarTed laughing really hard aT This. Well basically all of you are up To daTe on ToasT. TurTles! Okay TurTles are Terrific animals ThaT are jusT amazing I love Them. I have had a couple TurTles in my life, Shelly I and Shelly II. Shelly I lasTed abouT 2 years Then she died. Sad yes, life alTering, no, I Think I was like 7 when she died. Shelly II lasTed longer, 7 years. She was an amazing TurTle. Once she climbed up my canopy in my room (back when I had one Marisa and Taylor ((Those who have seen my room))) and escaped from her cage. She crawled ouT of my room and jumped off The balcony. (My room is on The second floor and we have a gianT open space wiTh a balcony ThaT we dubbed The Romeo and JulieT perch.) She survived, only To have meT her demise when my broTher Threw her inTo The creek by my house while I was aT girl’s camp. His excuse was ThaT she looked dead and ThaT when he Through her inTo The creek she sprang To life and swam away. This was all lasT summer. Finally as an end To This Trio, TexTing. Yes TexTed is a word. If your argumenT is ThaT iT is noT in The dicTionary, since when do words ending in –ed end up in The dicTionary. Even Though my spell check Tends To disagree. The word changed in iTs meaning and iT has now Turned inTo a verb do To The Trend of SMS (shorT message sending) Trend. I hope This answers your quesTion Taylor Tomlinson. I’ve had Too much fun wiTh T’s. Here’s a TidbiT: B.A.R.B.I.E. sTands for Brainless Android Redefining Basic Image and ExTremiTies.
Jasmine Crespo
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