Pictured is Miss Ellie, the world's ugliest dog. Sadly she is dead right now so...sad. Moving on. U is for (though it is a really weird topic twist) Ugly! Now first off I need a mental note. Excuse me for a moment. *Mental note: somehow get revenge on Joe for calling me a double bagger, Peter is forgiven because he just agreed and he apologized to me.* For those of you in seminary you should know what a double bagger is: it is a girl that is so ugly that you need a bag to cover your face just in case the one on hers falls off. Okay, that wasn't the point of the lesson it's just a funny joke. Now Miss Ellie is ugly, I'm sorry but if you can see that dog as cute- you must have worse eyesight than me. (Really hard to do....) Now since beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... eh, I got nothin'. Still, (sorry another mental note) *Ask Joe WHY HE CALLED ME A DOUBLE BAGGER!!!!!*
On the flip side, there are cute dogs too!
It was so hard to choose. They'wre so CUTE! Then I start twaking in a twilly voice and my heart just melts and they yawn and.... puppies! I love the fact that everyone talks to dogs in a baby voice! Even the toughest guy will break down and start cuddling with a cute dog and being lovey dovey and sweet and sigh..... See? Cute dogs are a whole lot better!

Surprisingly when I searched for world's cutest dog pictures on bing Miss Ellie showed up. I think some people were being sarcastic. Well, Today is my last post for the terms so:
Enjoy this last 26 ways to fail. Peter is moving periods and I'm going to be well.... in same 5th. I would reveal where my other friends/bloggers are going but that may give away their identities. So goodnight, sorry it's so late.
Jasmine Crespo
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