Monday, January 31, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Lucky 13
I think that it may be wise to clearly state just who is involved in the Toast War. You know, as a sort of index/glossary/reference sheet. It's getting to be quite complicated.
First we'll list the 3 major organizations involved:
1. The SSS (Secret Society of Students) This seemingly evil society aims to get rid of all toast. They have been quite successful in both Antarctica and Australia, as well as Russia and Murray. They have many resources. Further goals are unknown.
2. The anti-SSS (anti-Secret Society of Students)* They only have one goal: stop the SSS. They are allied with the Penguin Police. Their successes have been few and far between. However, with recent successes over the SSS they have gained momentum.
3. The S of T (Society of Toast) This fairly new society seems to have one goal: protect toast. They don't necessarily oppose the SSS, but they are currently at odds. The leaders,
Taylor Josie and Isaac Erekson, are not directly connected with this blog.
Now let's talk about the people who matter:
1. Patrick Suanda- the mysterious mastermind behind the SSS.
2. Steven Pappas, Kevin the Driver, Henri Verdivekt (formerly known as Ron Petrese), the Marble Sail, Allie Neff-SSS members (not all are listed)
3. Aninimous-the penguin leader and co-founder of the anti-SSS; Patrick Suanda's arch nemesis
4. Santa Claus- agent for the anti-SSS; attempted to create a list of SSS members before being captured
5. Jessica Morpen-only other known anti-SSS agent
6. Isaac Erekson and Taylor Josie- co-founders and leaders of the S of T
7. The Jellyfish Ambassador-a mysterious person who leads an army of jellyfish army; does not have any clear affiliation
8. >:D-SSS affiliate that seems to have disappeared
9. Jasmine Crespo-a thus far neutral person, who may play a larger role in the conflict in the near future.
10. Peter Rosen-the co-founder of the anti-SSS; he left the anti-SSS because of frustration with its performance; previous arch-nemesis of Patrick Suanda; slightly leaning toward the S of T, although unlikely to join
*Sometimes called Save All Toast (SAT)
I hope you enjoyed reading!
Peter Rosen
Friday, January 28, 2011
You Have a Problem
Thursday, January 27, 2011
26 Ways to Fail

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Keepin' My Spark Alive, by Otdom Polson
Second, I need to have more enthusiasm. 9th grade is really important, and I need to up my game. I can boost my spirits with some gaming (but of course!), but only after I have completed my assignments. That way, it will feel more rewarding. I do so love rewards, after all.
Third, I should make sure I am not stressed out. This does not mean I can just forget about anything, but rather, forget about the less important things. That way, my work will seem a lot easier and I can keep my sanity!
I am being honest here; it's easy to set goals. It's hard to actually achieve them. I must remind myself that school is for my benefit. School is not something that is forced on you; it's supposed to help you. I constantly forget this fact, but... I need determination. I need the will to succeed. Of course I won't stay on the right track all the time, but I must promise myself never to forget that I indeed have a future.
Lucky 13
Today we'll talk about...
The reasons why world domination plans fail!...but I don't have time.
Here are five reasons:
1. Accident prone
2. Bad Planning
3. Stopped by a hero ('hero' is a relative term)
4. Self Destruct button
5. General stupidity
Post a comment on which one is the most important and why!
Peter Rosen
P.S. I will talk about this next time (I hope).
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
You Have a Problem
I have good news. (Well, good depending of who you are talking to.)
Today the Anti-SSS has captured 21 SSS member. We raided another base, although not as big as the first one and captured the 21 members. It seems that they were going over plan for a new scheme, but the plans were incinerated before we got them. None of the are talking as of yet, but I am sure that I can change that. Cody, Lily, lets try ... ... ... ..., just try something. Well, I am to busy now to continue, so for now, that is all.
Keeping my spark alive by Victoria Weston
Monday, January 24, 2011
To Whom It May Concern:
26 Ways to Fail
Xanax (n) - a pharmaceutical drug that is used to treat depression and anxiety.
Xanthic (n) - yellowish in color; having to do with the compound xanthine.
Xebec: A xebec is a special three-masted sailing ship used in the Mediterranean.
Xenolith (n) - a fragment of a rock embedded inside another rock.
Xenon: Scientists call xenon one of the noble gases. It’s odorless, colorless, and found in very small quantities in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Xenophobia (n) - fear or hatred towards foreigners, foreign countries, or anything foreign. Other related words: xenophobic (adj.) and xenophobe (n) (this one is kind of my favorite)
Xeric (adj.) - dry or desert like conditions; having very little moisture.
Xerography: The word for a process to copy documents is xerography.
Xerox: Xerox is the patented process for copying documents, and the name of a corporation. The word Xerox should never be used as a synonym for photocopying a document.
Xhosa: Xhosa is the name of the Bantu language, and a name for a member of the Bantu people of South Africa.
Xylem: Botanists describe the tubes within the stems of woody plants as xylem. The xylem conducts fluids up the plant, while phloem brings the fluids down.
Xylograph (n) - a wood engraving.
Xyloid (adj.) - resembling wood; woody.
Xylophone: A percussion instrument with wood or metal tubes struck with hammers.
XML: A computer language abbreviation for extensible markup language.
xanthic, xanthin, xanthine, xanthines, xanthins, xanthochroia, xanthochroias, xanthochroic, xanthochroics
xanthochroid, xanthochroids, xanthochroism, xanthochroisms, xanthochromia, xanthochromias, xanthochroous
xanthoma, xanthomas, xanthomata, xanthomatoses, xanthomatosis, xanthomatous, xanthomelanous
xanthone, xanthones, xanthophyll, xanthophyllic, xanthophyllous, xanthophylls, xanthopsia, xanthopsias, xanthopterin, xanthopterine, xanthopterines, xanthopterins
xylologies xylology xylols xyloma xylomas xylomata xylometer xylometers xylonic xylonite xylonites xylophagan xylophagans xylophage xylophages xylophagous xylophilous xylophones xylophonic xylophonist xylophonists xylopyrographies xylopyrography xylorimba xylorimbas xylosexyloses xylotomies xylotomist xylotomists xylotomous xylotomy xylotypographic xylotypographies xylotypography xylyl xylyls xyridaceous xyst xyster xysters xysti xystoi xystos xysts xystus xystuses
I tried condensing it but honestly it was taking forever. Well you now know a whole bunch more words so good night and enjoy life.
Jasmine Crespo
This is really me blogging so should I join the toast war even though Peter, Aninimous and Patrick lied to me?
3 Interesting Facts- Ciera Bradley (absent work)
3 Interesting Facts by Daniela Hernandez
- Heathcliff is Catherine's lover and the antagonist of the book. Since she married Edgar, Heathcliff seeked revenge
- Catherine is the protagonist. She's lovable and outgoing. She grew up with Heathcliff, but ended up loving him as a brother.
- Hareton is one of the few with Heathcliff's respect and like. He's the only child of Hindly and Frances.
Sparks by Dana
-I will let my true colors show.
-I wont care what people think.
-I will gossip less(:
-I wont listen to rumors or drama.
-I will stay focused in school and my work.
3 interesting facts about wuthering heights-Blake Harsh
2 the entrance to the sitting room has a grotesque carving of a troll.
3There is a small spare room which Hindley considered turning into a parlour but it is not clear whether this was on the ground or first floor.
Three Wuthering Heights Facts by Marissa Earley
2-Heathcliff, the main character, lives in the mysterious land of Wuthering Heights.
3-Although Heathcliff may appear as a gentlemam, he disguises himself as the opposite through his speech and actions.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
3 Interesting Facts About 'Wuthering Heights' *Ellie Dow*
"This novel contains undoubtedly powerful writing, and yet it seems to be thrown away. We want to know the object of a fiction. Once people were contented with a crude collection of mysteries. Now they desire to know why the mysteries are revealed. Do they teach mankind to avoid one course and to take another? Do they dissect any portion of existing society, exhibiting together its weak and its strong points? If these questions were asked regarding Wuthering Heights, there could not be an affirmative answer given...
Mr Ellis Bell, before constructing the novel, should have known that forced marriages, under threats and in confinement are illegal, and parties instrumental thereto can be punished. And second, that wills made by young ladies' minors are invalid.
The volumes are powerfully written records of wickedness and they have a moral – they show what Satan could do with the law of Entail."
"We rise from the perusal of Wuthering Heights as if we had come fresh from a pest-house. Read Jane Eyre is our advice, but burn Wuthering Heights..."
Ouch! That had to hurt Emily's feelings after she read that. To have someone write a review implying that they read the siblings book instead of their own in the person's review is harsh.
3) The final review that I'll be showing you was written by the Graham's Lady Magazine in July of 1848. Here's what they said:
"How a human being could have attempted such a book as the present without committing suicide before he had finished a dozen chapters, is a mystery. It is a compound of vulgar depravity and unnatural horrors..."
And I thought the last one was mean. To say such things about someone's writing is uncalled for. It's their book, NOT YOURS!!! BUG OFF!
Trying to light my spark
Sierra Iams' Spark Plan
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Three Interesting Facts About Wuthering Heights-Maddie McMillan
2- Heathcliff is in love with Catherine before she dies.
3-Catherine gets married to Edger but she really loves Heathcliff.
4-Catherine dies when she gives birth to her daughter.
5- Heathcliff pretends to be in love with Isabella to get revenge on Edger for marrying Catherine.
This book seems a lot like the Count of Monte Cristo. Revenge is definately one of the leading emotions in this novel. From what i've read, i'm excited to start it! It seems like an awesome book!
Maddie McMillan
Lucky 13
1. Eat a Purple-Land Banana (though impossible)
2. Command legions of unicorns (also impossible, for same reason as #1)
3. Become a vampire (a true one) and mafia leader
4. Do NOT become a pirate
5. Control all *blank* factories. (plan in motion, cannot disclose)
6. Set up your own colony on the Moon under your own command and blow up the Earth.
7. Assassinate all higher-ranked people
8. Slowly establish yourself as "allies" to all foreigners
9. Get dragons for friends
10. Learn the art of Mindbending.
11. Obtain world-wide public sympathy
12. Take over chandelier production (long story)
13. Infest every organism on Earth to become a new body under your control
Enjoy the list? I certainly hope you did. It is certainly very informative, if you have the resources. I am personally involved in three of the above schemes. However, I am only using one in my quest for world domination. So I'll give you a few tips from my own personal experiences.
1) Make sure you have a plan. This is probably the most important tip I'll give you. If you want to achieve world domination, it is imperative that you understand the art of planning. Any of the above suggestions will prove unsuccessful without proper planning.
2a) Avoid attracting unwanted attention. Obviously this can be difficult with suggestion #11, but otherwise, it is a very good idea. The worst thing that can happen is for you to constantly have that annoying little hero bugging you all the time.
2b) If you are, or wish to be, a member of the Evil Genius Society, you will know that having unwanted attention is required. That leads us to tip 2b: Prepare a monologue. Every evil genius knows that they have to perform a 24 hour monologue before achieving any scheme for the scheme to count on the Evil Genius Society point system. Any good monologue should include at least 62.5 extra traps in case that pesky nemesis managed to escape the first one.
3) Move quickly. The best world domination seekers will have their plans in the planning and preparation stage for a very long time. Why? Because at some point you will have to strike in the open. More preparation means less time out in the open.
4) Become a hero. One thing that few outsiders seem to notice is that there are thousands upon thousands of schemes for world domination. They're everywhere. Good ones. Bad ones. In between ones. Everything. If a person truly seeks world domination, they have to stop all those other plans. Few people realize how many "superheroes" are really bent on achieving world domination. Which is convenient, because they often attract widespread public sympathy.
In conclusion, achieving world domination is not an easy task. It isn't for the faint-hearted or accident prone (one of the fatal flaws in many perfectly respectable plans). If you do seek this elusive goal, good luck. It's very rewarding. Oh yes, just to warn you, I often find myself becoming a "hero". I've become very good at it. And if you have a good enough plan, I might just pay you a visit.
Peter Rosen
P.S. I didn't really have time to edit this post, so comment if you see any mistakes.
Friday, January 21, 2011
You Have a Problem
A Grade Problem
As you get onto the district website, click on the 'A+' sign, and log in, you are almost too afraid to click the 'Student Summary' icon, because the truth of your situation scares you just a small amount. Finally, wincing, you click down on your computer mouse, and what do you see? Nothing. That's right; absolutely nothing. Sure, there is your schedule, and your Choir and English sections have grades, but everything else is blank. In P.E., it says that you are missing an assignment, due today, that you haven't even heard of and know that you never were assigned, and in the two classes whose grades matter most, there is no information showing what your grades are.
You lay back in your seat, aghast that your teachers still have not updated your student summary. Don't they realize that your knowlege of these grades is almost more important than their own knowlege? Now you are starting to get furious, and wish to email the teachers about it, but then decide not to, because you know that there's a good chance that could only make things worse for you. So you resolve to write on the Honor's English blog about your troubles, and hope that others may relate to you. Why can I not have the choice to see my grades?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
My Spark Plan
*Not Procrastinate
*Always try my hardest on everything
*and To always be the best me
<3 Alysann Flower
Marisa B.'s Spark!
- PRACTICE MY FLUTE so I can achieve a higher level of music.
- Voice my thoughts more often.
- Do something that is worth mentioning every day.
- Live, Laugh, Love. Enough said.
- Just keep swimming (this is figurative if you haven't guessed already and if you don't know what it means I will tell you: Just keep moving forward, there, I said it).
Spark - Brennan Clayton
- I wont procrastinate.
- I will keep moving on no matter what.
- I will do my work with meaning and not just to get an A.
- I will be myself:)
My Spark Plan Xander Summers
- I will not give up.
- I will never procrastinate.
- I will face the problem head on.
- I will spend more time on my schoolwork.
- I will what is needed to spark my potential.
A New Spark
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Spark for the new term...
Daniel Powell
Period 6
My Spark
- McCall Mash
Spark Plan
~Spencer Downs P.5
"Spark" Plan - Tessa Yates
My Spark Plan
Kyleigh Cooper
Spark Plan by Jasmine Crespo
Spark Plan! By: Zoe Brinton Period 5
Madelin Crapo- Spark Plan
Spark Plan Steven Pappas
Keeping My Spark Alive By Janelle Leppink
My Spark Plan -Allie Neff 5th
My ultimate spark plan is to:
- Not procrastinate when it comes to homework
- Keep a positive attitude towards school
- Not have any late work
- Get a 4.0 for Term 3
- Be respectiful to all of my teachers/peers
Uh.... Thanks for reading(?)
Spark Plan Taylor Tomlinson
My Spark Plan
- Do my homework more
-Work hard to get all A's
- Try to reach all my goals
- Do something crazy off my bucket list
All Time Spark- Yvonne Wu
My "Spark" Plan by Stephanie Johnson
- Try my hardest to get an A in Biology
- Become more interested in reading
- Try to get straight A's this term, instead of just A-'s
All Time Spark Plan
-Savid Acuña
Just a Little Weather Status
Normally, this is not the average thing I would post, but because I care about the welfare of all honor's ninth students, and i don't want any of them turning into frozen statues (like the ones in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) please take heed of this word of advice. Have a wonderful, WARM, evening!
Lucky 13
Anyway, on to writing. The first thing that a reader sees is (usually) the opening paragraph. You usually want to draw people in with the opening paragraph. You want them interested in your writing. However, there are occasions where you instead wish to scare away all readers who are not absolutely committed to reading what you wrote (see above paragraph). Back to the original topic. It is highly suggested that you tell the audience just what you are going to talk about. You may also want to hint at the further contents. Of course, you could be absolutely explicit about what you will be writing about, and that's fine too. (i.e. thesis statements)
Whew! This is getting kind of technical. I don't think I can handle this anymore. Although I must admit I'm proud of not mentioning world domination, toast, etc. thus far. Oh yeah I just mentioned it. Darn.
So because I cannot stand the technicalities of writing I will talk about...You know what? I will go there...
Spark Plan Peter Rosen
Spark Plan! *Ellie Dow*
Spark Plan- Berkley Mitchell
Sparks Plan by Alison Carter
Sparks Plan - McKenzie Stauffer
Spark Plan by Dallas Anderson
Spark Blake Brockbank
I need to "spark" my hard work and begin to put in my full effort in school and not in school. When I put forth my greatest effort, great things can happen.
Spark Plans- Danielle Mabe
My "SPARK" Plan: Amanda Johansson's "SPARK" Plan
Spark Post- Alex Crowell
Spark- Savannah Weaver
- I plan to stay focussed on what I need to do this semester
- I won't let non-motivated thoughts cause me to slack and not get my work done.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
You Have a Problem
For the Keen Observer
Monday, January 17, 2011
26 Ways to Fail

What? It's blue, I couldn't resist. Now I want you all to think back... back to Elementary school.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Lucky 13
Good luck!
Friday, January 14, 2011
You Have A Problem
Thursday, January 13, 2011
26 Ways to Fail

Surprisingly when I searched for world's cutest dog pictures on bing Miss Ellie showed up. I think some people were being sarcastic. Well, Today is my last post for the terms so:
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Lucky 13
You are getting very sleepy...
So very sleepy...
You feel like you will fall asleep when you read the word 'snap' again, but keep you're eyes open and keep reading...
When you read the word previously mentioned, you will wake up and you will click the close button in the upper right-hand corner. You will not remember what this article said, but you will remember that this was one of the best articles you ever read...
Peter Rosen
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
You Have a Problem
Monday, January 10, 2011
26 Ways to Fail

Good evening and hello my faiThful audience. Today is a very TanTalizing leTTer, one ThaT appears very ofTen in senTences; in facT iT is used every Time you wriTE “a senTence”. CaTch on? Too bad. Today is T! (Again This is noT sesame sTreeT so There is no number ThaT This posT is broughT To you by .) Also sorry iT’s laTe. Today my Teenage friends and Teachers, we shall go Through a TriumphanT Tale of T. As you can Tell, I am using Tons and Tons of T’s. They are jusT TesTing me by Teaming up and going inTo my senTences. FirsT in This Tremendous Tale, we shall see a TorTured hero fall inTo oblivion wiTh a Troublesome TwisT. JusT Teasing. My real posT is abouT ToasT! Now, all of us on The blog know ThaT ToasT is a greaT Thing. IT holds The difference beTween all The cookies in The world! Those of you who don’T geT ThaT joke… you fail. ExacTly why you read 26 Ways To Fail! ToasT, ToasT, ToasT, ironic parT is I acTually had French ToasT for dinner Today. My sisTer ThoughT I was insane when I sTarTed laughing really hard aT This. Well basically all of you are up To daTe on ToasT. TurTles! Okay TurTles are Terrific animals ThaT are jusT amazing I love Them. I have had a couple TurTles in my life, Shelly I and Shelly II. Shelly I lasTed abouT 2 years Then she died. Sad yes, life alTering, no, I Think I was like 7 when she died. Shelly II lasTed longer, 7 years. She was an amazing TurTle. Once she climbed up my canopy in my room (back when I had one Marisa and Taylor ((Those who have seen my room))) and escaped from her cage. She crawled ouT of my room and jumped off The balcony. (My room is on The second floor and we have a gianT open space wiTh a balcony ThaT we dubbed The Romeo and JulieT perch.) She survived, only To have meT her demise when my broTher Threw her inTo The creek by my house while I was aT girl’s camp. His excuse was ThaT she looked dead and ThaT when he Through her inTo The creek she sprang To life and swam away. This was all lasT summer. Finally as an end To This Trio, TexTing. Yes TexTed is a word. If your argumenT is ThaT iT is noT in The dicTionary, since when do words ending in –ed end up in The dicTionary. Even Though my spell check Tends To disagree. The word changed in iTs meaning and iT has now Turned inTo a verb do To The Trend of SMS (shorT message sending) Trend. I hope This answers your quesTion Taylor Tomlinson. I’ve had Too much fun wiTh T’s. Here’s a TidbiT: B.A.R.B.I.E. sTands for Brainless Android Redefining Basic Image and ExTremiTies.
Jasmine Crespo
200 t's in this post
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Lucky 13
Anyway, the Jellyfish Ambassador is still a mystery. Patrick Suanda's identity is still a secret, and the anti-SSS is still failing to get the job done. I would say more, but I have to go.
Peter Rosen
And Aninimous: While you were storming the base with Patrick inside it, the International Toast Headquarters was wiped off the face of the earth. Sorry, but life has its disappointments.
P.S. I couldn't stop them because I was too busy defending toast factory 228737045. It was defended successfully, but there is still the problem of the ITH suddenly disappearing.
Friday, January 7, 2011
You Have a Problem
Thursday, January 6, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
First we'll list the 3 major organizations involved:
1. The SSS (Secret Society of Students) This seemingly evil society aims to get rid of all toast. They have been quite successful in both Antarctica and Australia. They have many resources. Further goals are unknown.
2. The anti-SSS (anti-Secret Society of Students)* They only have one goal: stop the SSS. They are allied with the Penguin Police. Their successes have been few and far between. They are on shaky ground now that their top agent and co-founder has left.
3. The S of T (Society of Toast) This fairly new society seems to have one goal: protect toast. They don't necessarily oppose the SSS, but they are currently at odds. The leaders,
Taylor Josie and Isaac Erekson, are not directly connected with this blog.
Now let's talk about the people who matter:
1. Patrick Suanda- the mysterious mastermind behind the SSS.
2. Steven Pappas, Kevin the Driver, Henri Verdivekt (formerly known as Ron Petrese), the Marble Sail, Allie Neff-SSS members (not all are listed)
3. Aninimous-the penguin leader and co-founder of the anti-SSS; previously Patrick Suanda's arch nemesis
4. Santa Claus- agent for the anti-SSS; attempted to create a list of SSS members before being captured
5. Jessica Morpen-only other known anti-SSS agent
6. Isaac Erekson and Taylor Josie-co-founders and leaders of the S of T
7. The Jellyfish Ambassador-a mysterious person who leads an army of jellyfish army; does not have any clear affiliation
8. >:D-SSS affiliate that seems to have disappeared
9. Jasmine Crespo-a thus far neutral person, who may play a larger role in the conflict in the near future.
10. Peter Rosen-the co-founder of the anti-SSS; he left the anti-SSS because of frustration with its performance; current arch-nemesis of Patrick Suanda; slightly leaning toward the S of T, although unlikely to join
*Sometimes called Save All Toast (SAT)"
United Kingdom
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Lucky 13
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
You will click on this link and watch the video. If not, you will miss out on what it is like to have a cat as well as a chance to laugh your head off.
and here's another one if you want:
You can't resist clicking.
You Have a Problem
Monday, January 3, 2011
26 Ways to Fail

Failures. I deem you all failures. Not one entry in my contest. Was it REALLY so hard? I'm disappointed. I would yell at you all except for I'm too tired. R was for Rube Goldberg but, I guess now it's Roses. "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet" I love Romeo and Juliet (that's where that quote is from) Especially this scene. Well it's the big scene no duh. I also like the humor in the first scene because they (the two main servants darn I forgot their names) keep bragging to each other how they are such studs and how any maiden would fall over themselves for one of them. Okay on to roses. For those of you who don't know, roses are my favorite flower. I love flowers, considering I was named after one. (No we are not going into the Princess Jasmine thing at the moment). Roses are beautiful plants that are most often the symbol of love. There are many songs that have the lyric rose in it. One of my favorites is from the musical "Gypsy". The basic plot of this musical is that "Baby June" is a singer/dancer that is living out her mothers dreams and her "talentless" sister dances too, but in the background as a boy. Since this is of course the mothers dream and not June's, she quits and marries a background dancer that she grew up with. The sister (I hate that I can't remember her real name, it will come to me eventually) has to make a living. Now she's never had limelight so when she gets a job at a burlesque theatre, she doesn't really want to go on, but in order to get money she does. Soon she loves it and becomes Gypsy Rose Lee. Then her mother is depressed because now she can no longer live off of her daughters fame Gypsy gets a big ego. Finally Rose has enough of it and then starts singing one of my favorite songs, "Rose's Turn". If you listen to it it's pretty good. There was more to the plot of the musical but I don't really want edit it right now. Then there is Poison's "Every Rose has its Thorn" ugh.. Sorry but I don't really like this song, I know the words since my stepfather likes it but I just don't like the sound of it. Roses are used everywhere, like there was the enchanted rose in Beauty and the Beast. Lots of Disney movies have roses. But I know >:D has a problem with Disney movies. *Evil stare*
Attack of the Cuteness!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Reference for the Toast War
First we'll list the 3 major organizations involved:
1. The SSS (Secret Society of Students) This seemingly evil society aims to get rid of all toast. They have been quite successful in both Antarctica and Australia. They have many resources. Further goals are unknown.
2. The anti-SSS (anti-Secret Society of Students)* They only have one goal: stop the SSS. They are allied with the Penguin Police. Their successes have been few and far between. However, a recent success over the SSS they have gained momentum.
3. The S of T (Society of Toast) This fairly new society seems to have one goal: protect toast. They don't necessarily oppose the SSS, but they are currently at odds. The leaders,
Taylor Josie and Isaac Erekson, are not directly connected with this blog.
Now let's talk about the people who matter:
1. Patrick Suanda- the mysterious mastermind behind the SSS.
2. Steven Pappas, Kevin the Driver, Henri Verdivekt (formerly known as Ron Petrese), the Marble Sail, Allie Neff-SSS members (not all are listed)
3. Aninimous-the penguin leader and co-founder of the anti-SSS; Patrick Suanda's arch nemesis
4. Santa Claus- agent for the anti-SSS; attempted to create a list of SSS members before being captured
5. Jessica Morpen-only other known anti-SSS agent
6. Isaac Erekson and Taylor Josie-co-founders and leaders of the S of T
7. The Jellyfish Ambassador-a mysterious person who leads an army of jellyfish army; does not have any clear affiliation
8. >:D-SSS affiliate that seems to have disappeared
9. Jasmine Crespo-a thus far neutral person, who may play a larger role in the conflict in the near future.
10. Peter Rosen-the co-founder of the anti-SSS; he left the anti-SSS because of frustration with its performance; previous arch-nemesis of Patrick Suanda; slightly leaning toward the S of T, although unlikely to join
Just comment if I missed anything, just comment on this post. I hope you enjoy this reference. It may or may not be changed as time goes on.
*Sometimes called Save All Toast (SAT)
A Not-So-Subtle Reminder
Lucky 13
Various quotes
"We already have everything planned..." ~Patrick Suanda z
"I have money. Lots of money." ~Patrick Suanda
"If you like toast, then I am the villain. If you dislike toast, then I am the greatest ally that you will ever have." ~Patrick Suanda
"Number six is for destroying Murray." ~Patrick Suanda
"Execute Order 66." ~Patrick Suanda (This order dispatches students to capture and enemy.)
"It could be me, for some secret sinister plot I have." ~Patrick Suanda
"I have more and less agents than you think." ~Patrick Suanda
Weren't those fun? Now this is the part were I usually examine and explain the preceding
section, but for today, I will let you puzzle it out by yourself. After all, Patrick is supposed to be mysterious, and if I give you all the answers it would be ruined.
Peter Rosen I must admit Patrick, I respect your work, but I just don't take your side on the argument. We are heading directly to an ultimate showdown. Be warned, Patrick. I am preparing myself. You have no idea how powerful I've become, and since Aninimous doesn't seem good enough to be your arch nemesis, I will fill that spot. You may be rich, you may be powerful, you may be mysterious, but I don't fear you. The battle for toast is just beginning, Patrick. If you think your SSS army is enough to defeat me, it's not. If you think that you can outsmart me, you are wrong. If you believe that I am inferior to you, you are a fool. Remember Patrick, I am not defeated easily. If you consider this to be a threat, it is one. If you consider it to be a promise, it is one. I'm coming for you, Patrick. Are you ready?