Monday, March 21, 2011

Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf

Arr... Inconceivable. ....Huh? What does inconceivable even mean? I just say whenever I am slightly irritated, because you know, I like to sound smart. Um... Oh! Inconceivable means hard to believe... Basically like saying "Wow! Unbelievable!" Aren't you proud of me, guys? I looked up a word and can say it knowing the definition!

Anyways, I know this is pretty random, and it's not the normal poetry I submit, but... Have you guys been a little out of it lately? It's kind of... The atmosphere of the esteemed (ooh, dictionary, dictionary...) (ah, right word!) is somewhat different than before... Oh, Moo is crying!! Okay, this post is intended to be a lifter of spirits! To get you guys back in gear! ... Gee, don't I sound important? Heh! So... If you do not wish to listen to my cheesy, geeky randomness, I command you... STOP READING!!! Or else I will send my flying monkeys after you.

Still here? Aww! Moo is touched! Let's see now....
Dear Sister: I need a haircut! It's gotten so long to the point that it touches the back of my shirt collar! Yeah! It's goes down my neck! It's gotten so long to the point that I can put it in a ponytail! It's gotten so long to the point that my friends persist (DICTIONARY!!!) (hmm... no) REPHRASE!! It's gotten so long to the point that my friends continually insist on touching my head (actually, it's. not. so. bad!! [insert smiley face]) Please cut my hair, sister! Have you seen the other guys that were involved in the play? Yeah, they cut their hair!! Ahh! Cut my hair! Cut it now! Hm... That DOES sound weird coming out of my mouth... Huh? Yes, I am still going to get it cut. Huh? Don't you talk to me that way! You did NOT become one of my consciences by yelling at me this way. Ahem! Good conscience! Bad conscience is interrupting in my good cause and...! (you get the point)

STILL STILL here? Waowww. Moo is stupefied. Moo is.... confused! Moo is... MOO IS...! (paff! (a sound Moo makes when he collapses on the ground))

Ah hello! I suppose I shall step in for Moo... This is Otdom's (yes, Moo is not his real name, he just uses it to be funny, well, HA-HA.) devil spirit; his BAD conscience. I tell him he's weak, that he's too skinny (I can see his ^&^&*^*%%% (yes, as the bad conscience, it is my JOB to swear) ribs!), that his butt is too flat, that his eyes are too small, that he has no talents, that he deserves to be alone, etc. Whew! What a busy job I have, eh?

Hmm? Hey! Devil Otdommy! As nicely and politely as I can: GET TEH HEAVEN OUT!! This, my dear friends, is I, Angel Otdommy. Yes, you are most likely wondering why I am adding the -my after Otdom. Well, 'tis the name his sisters sometimes call him. It makes him sound innocent, right? Well, that's the whole point. It is MY job to make him feel better. I heal him (oh, I bet he likes that one; it reminds him of a video game). I tell him that there IS hope... It is also my job (ooh, I like this one) to shoot Devil Otdommy in this face or heart with a gun. In other words (no, unfortunately, I do not get to literally shoot him), I try as hard as I can to shut out Devil Otdommy in Otdom's time of stress.

Well now, since Otdom is still passed out on the ground (he may be like that for a while), I think that we (his angel and devil consciences) will move him to his bed and turn on some music for him. Yes, we know he is supposed to do his homework, but... the poor boy! He accidentally thought that it was already morning and that he had to get up for school (because it was 7 in the evening, and the sky looked like morning). See? Let him be. He is warring amongst himself (another video game reference to him and he likes the term). We know he intended to be as geeky, cheesy, and as random as possible, but you see, that comes from his desire. His desire to exist to make people happy. Silly, I know. Please think about what you say, Devil Otdommy. Anyways, yes, he has assumed that something is wrong with the posters of this blog, but we assure you, it comes out of good intention. We shall let him rest. We believe he has shutdown his systems due to stress (and possible lack of sleep (as we are sure most of you have noticed in school)). We are sorry for his silliness, he's just lonely. Let him have his fun, as it seems he does not get enough at home. We are sorry if he is annoying. Forgive him, as hard as it is to do. Forgive him.

Now then, we are truly sorry for this horrendously (Hmm... Angel Otdommy is that word correctly used? Yes.) long blog post. Otdom threw his thoughts out there. Farewell! And we thank you for being so kind to him!
-Angel and Devil Otdommy


  1. One of the best blog posts ever! If that doesn't get everybody else into the blogging spirit again, then I don't know what will!

  2. Ah! Thank you very much! A bit too cheesy, though?
    -Otdom (who slightly regrets calling himself "Otdommy")
