Tuesday, March 8, 2011

James Cosgrove

Please excuse my personal slave from school on friday, the 28th of January. I have required him that he should stay home on this special day to pet me, scrach that one spot behind my ear I can't get, feed me all day, and give me all the catnip he could possibly find. Why is this day special you ask? Why, it is because I say it is I have chosen this family as my servent, and they are greatful. I am the master of this household, and eventully the world. You may give him his work for today, but know he missed school to serve the greatest organism alive.
- Cat, The Future Ruler of the World

1 comment:

  1. Finally, someone who understands what it's like to be the most advanced organism in the universe.
    -Mishia the cat
    (and no, my name isn't pronounced mee-she-a, it's pronounced mee-she.)
