Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Click

Hello anyone who cares to read this post that is completely and totally unrelated to ruling the world or toast (to those of you who just stopped reading, I will find you and murder you in your sleep). Today I want to share my thoughts on what you could call love, but I define it slightly differently. To start off with, I would like you to just think about how many songs, poems, movies, TV shows, quotes, etc. are centered around "love". As you can see, there are quite a few in this day and age (there are also just as many about heartbreak and disappointment, but they are fairly irrelevant to my topic). Many people (actually every person that I know that have shared their ideas of love to me) believe that they are searching for love. I however don't think this to be completely true.

What I think everyone on this good Earth is really searching for is what I call the click. The click is just as simple as it sounds, so don't stress over it too much. The click is what a person finds when something in them reacts, in a good way, to a certain person or thing. Well isn't that love you ask? When speaking of love in the way that millions of people through time have spoke of it, not necessarily. I will use my aunt as an example. She is 48 years old, and as far as I know, hasn't dated as long as I've been alive (perhaps longer, but it's not like I can just talk to her face to face whenever I want). And before you get any ideas of a sullen, ill-tempered witch, you need to know that she is the happiest and spunkiest person in my life. Her click so far isn't with another person, it's with her family and her work. (Please excuse me as I don't think I clarified this, I'm not saying there is no such thing as love. I'm just saying that there is a certain connection that may or may not be broken, or enlarged. I'm pretty much saying that the click is an important process if you ever want to love someone.) Ok, I lost my train of thought.

Have a good day/night/whatever time it is,
Marisa B.


  1. I must admit, I was about to stop after reading the first sentence, but...I don't want to die. So I read the rest. It was quite interesting actually. I'm ranting now, aren't I?

    Peter Rosen

  2. No it's quite alright. Ranting is one of the best things on Earth to do. When you rant, it's like all of the pent up stress is let out. Ranting is like the most amazing thing ever.

    Marisa B.

    P.S. Please don't take it personally if I randomly decide to tie you up and hang you over a vat of boiling oil. It's nothing personal, I'm just doing it for the sake of entertainment.
