Thursday, March 31, 2011
Lucky 13
Peter Rosen
26 Ways to Fail
Aninimous you are so dead meat.
Until later
Jasmine Crespo
Click comments to see real post.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
You Have a Problem
I am so sorry Jasmine, it is all my family's doing. They good news, is that while you where unconscious they used a thing called Extractor 497, and that should of removed all of the "X-Factor" from you. You should be able to go home tomorrow. By the way, the Extractor 497 isn't the Penguin Police's invention, it was stolen... No that not right stolen is talking about the bad guys, taken... no, it was acquired from the enemy.
I won't tell how, and that is all for now.
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Monday, March 28, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Jasmine Crespo
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Lucky 13
Peter Rosen
Friday, March 25, 2011
You Have a Problem
Thursday, March 24, 2011
26 Ways to Fail

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Lucky 13
To whom it may concern: CABDEQ13 was a success.
No more time to write. Ah well.
Peter Rosen
Turns out it was the end.
No more doors for me to open
Just blanks walls for me to stare.
Oh, I beat the walls with all my heart
And shouted till my voice knew no sound
And then I lay there quietly
Resting so I could fight again
But all the will left me at that moment
The voices not wanting me to leave
And I sat in quiet oblivion
Just staring at what could be
Images raced through my head
Things that I had seen
How people in the movies had fought and escaped,
Free but never free.
Is it better to stay captive
Knowing no more hurt can come?
Or to escape the world of nothing
Always being numb?
I’m not a daring person
Nor am I one to let things go as they will
So I will make my own beginning
With my own chalk
In my own hand
And create something that wasn’t meant to be
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You Have a Problem
My family still do not care at all in the Toast War, and the only reason that they got involved was because Patrick Suanda got what my family calls the X-Factor. They won't tell me what it is, but apparently they kidnapped Jasmine from the SSS and now have her in custody for the same reason. I am sorry Jasmine you have had to go through all of this.
My family put a tracer on everyone how signs into this blog, they can find where they are. Well, when Patrick Suanda got on, my family when and kidnapped him, and that is the story of how Patrick Suanda got captured.
Patrick will not tell us any information, although all my family cares about is the X-Factor. Also SSS agents tried to free Patrick, but were captured in the process.
Well that is all I have to say, so until I hear more.
Lips Shut Tight
My speech not meant to be heard
My heart is to mourn quietly
As I watch the world fall around me
What can I do? I will be hindered either way
Stopped by those who hold my soul captive
And those who watch me every day.
I want to fight, I want to try
But I know I will fail in the end
I always fail in the end
With lips shut tight
I resign myself to my fate
For I can not do what I must
And there is nothing I can change
No this is not the anonymous poster who has posted the incredible poems of late. This is merely a person who chooses to stay hidden from the public eye. At least, for now.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Anyways, I know this is pretty random, and it's not the normal poetry I submit, but... Have you guys been a little out of it lately? It's kind of... The atmosphere of the esteemed (ooh, dictionary, dictionary...) (ah, right word!) is somewhat different than before... Oh, Moo is crying!! Okay, this post is intended to be a lifter of spirits! To get you guys back in gear! ... Gee, don't I sound important? Heh! So... If you do not wish to listen to my cheesy, geeky randomness, I command you... STOP READING!!! Or else I will send my flying monkeys after you.
Still here? Aww! Moo is touched! Let's see now....
Dear Sister: I need a haircut! It's gotten so long to the point that it touches the back of my shirt collar! Yeah! It's goes down my neck! It's gotten so long to the point that I can put it in a ponytail! It's gotten so long to the point that my friends persist (DICTIONARY!!!) (hmm... no) REPHRASE!! It's gotten so long to the point that my friends continually insist on touching my head (actually, it's. not. so. bad!! [insert smiley face]) Please cut my hair, sister! Have you seen the other guys that were involved in the play? Yeah, they cut their hair!! Ahh! Cut my hair! Cut it now! Hm... That DOES sound weird coming out of my mouth... Huh? Yes, I am still going to get it cut. Huh? Don't you talk to me that way! You did NOT become one of my consciences by yelling at me this way. Ahem! Good conscience! Bad conscience is interrupting in my good cause and...! (you get the point)
STILL STILL here? Waowww. Moo is stupefied. Moo is.... confused! Moo is... MOO IS...! (paff! (a sound Moo makes when he collapses on the ground))
Ah hello! I suppose I shall step in for Moo... This is Otdom's (yes, Moo is not his real name, he just uses it to be funny, well, HA-HA.) devil spirit; his BAD conscience. I tell him he's weak, that he's too skinny (I can see his ^&^&*^*%%% (yes, as the bad conscience, it is my JOB to swear) ribs!), that his butt is too flat, that his eyes are too small, that he has no talents, that he deserves to be alone, etc. Whew! What a busy job I have, eh?
Hmm? Hey! Devil Otdommy! As nicely and politely as I can: GET TEH HEAVEN OUT!! This, my dear friends, is I, Angel Otdommy. Yes, you are most likely wondering why I am adding the -my after Otdom. Well, 'tis the name his sisters sometimes call him. It makes him sound innocent, right? Well, that's the whole point. It is MY job to make him feel better. I heal him (oh, I bet he likes that one; it reminds him of a video game). I tell him that there IS hope... It is also my job (ooh, I like this one) to shoot Devil Otdommy in this face or heart with a gun. In other words (no, unfortunately, I do not get to literally shoot him), I try as hard as I can to shut out Devil Otdommy in Otdom's time of stress.
Well now, since Otdom is still passed out on the ground (he may be like that for a while), I think that we (his angel and devil consciences) will move him to his bed and turn on some music for him. Yes, we know he is supposed to do his homework, but... the poor boy! He accidentally thought that it was already morning and that he had to get up for school (because it was 7 in the evening, and the sky looked like morning). See? Let him be. He is warring amongst himself (another video game reference to him and he likes the term). We know he intended to be as geeky, cheesy, and as random as possible, but you see, that comes from his desire. His desire to exist to make people happy. Silly, I know. Please think about what you say, Devil Otdommy. Anyways, yes, he has assumed that something is wrong with the posters of this blog, but we assure you, it comes out of good intention. We shall let him rest. We believe he has shutdown his systems due to stress (and possible lack of sleep (as we are sure most of you have noticed in school)). We are sorry for his silliness, he's just lonely. Let him have his fun, as it seems he does not get enough at home. We are sorry if he is annoying. Forgive him, as hard as it is to do. Forgive him.
Now then, we are truly sorry for this horrendously (Hmm... Angel Otdommy is that word correctly used? Yes.) long blog post. Otdom threw his thoughts out there. Farewell! And we thank you for being so kind to him!
-Angel and Devil Otdommy
26 Ways to Fail
Jasmine Crespo
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Lucky 13
Peter Rosen
Friday, March 18, 2011
You Have a Problem
Patrick Suanda was captured.
Yes this is great news but I have to go.
1 minute 43 seconds left
Okay, bye
1 minute 37 seconds
Thursday, March 17, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Jasmine Crespo
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
"Thinking of you, wherever you are,
We pray for our sorrows to end,
and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realise this wish.
And who knows:
starting a new journey may not be so hard
or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky-
one sky, one destiny."
Kingdom Hearts, anyone? 83
-Mr. O, AKA Otdomasaurus, AKA Moo, AKA Otdom
Lucky 13
I'm still not sure what to say, so I guess that will be all.
Peter Rosen
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Will you be coming today? We would like to show her to you! Our pride and joy! Daddy's daughter! The door connecting us and the world... The reason for Daddy's recent capriciousness... The one who likes my bunny! The one we all love...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
You Have a Problem
The Spider
I scurry at the shadowy hour
Across your bedroom wall
Onto the floor where your dog cowers
And into a corner I crawl
That twitch at every sound
A huge, hairy butt, an egg sack I carry
And glossy eyes that stare at the ground
That I can call my own home
Then sway onto you small clock’s hands
And towards the ceiling I come
And drop onto your cushy bed
Wander forward for a little peek
And walk onto your head
You wake with a start and deafen me
With shrieks that make me sore
Throw me onto the floor violently
Where I find refuge under the door
When I come out the next dark night
You await me at the floor mat
Raise a book above me, out of sight
And before I know it,
I found this poem in my poetry folder from seventh grade. Seventh Grade! I remember those days, when I used to find spiders everywhere in my room and I was always scared that one would fall on me when I was sleeping. I still see spiders now but not as much as I did then, when my house still had our old carpet. I think I wrote this for the sole purpose of mocking spiders, so that maybe it would make them less scary. It didn't, but that's not the point. The point is....what is the point? I guess there isn't really one, but I hope that you enjoyed the poem nonetheless!
Monday, March 14, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Lucky 13
We regret to inform you that the SSS has once again taken Peter captive.
Ha! Eat blueberries, you fiend! You thought I was knocked out, didn't you? And for the rest of you, I didn't install the bowling trap for nothing!
Sorry about that. I had to deal with some pesky SSS agents. Anyway, I have been finding numerous SSS reference to "Mongolia falls on March 18." They were widely distributed, but not well disguised. I think the real message is...France on March 23rd. The word "falls" starts with F-A and ends with a "s" sound or "ce". Therefore, France is the country. There are also twenty-three characters in every message. The month will obviously be March (the SSS wouldn't slow down, even to trick us), but the day is either the 23rd or the 27th (this includes spaces). We should assume it's the 23rd to be safe, and keep agents in France and Mongolia until the SSS strikes again.
Well, that's the latest updates.
Peter Rosen
P.S. I sent Patrick Suanda a fruit plate and some hot chocolate mix.
Friday, March 11, 2011
You Have a Problem
Thursday, March 10, 2011
26 Ways To Fail
You are Not Alone
I read you. And laugh - and grin- and roll my eyes in the best possible way. But I missed something. This poem to be specific. It seems to be anonymous, so my comment is to draw attention to your work. Well done. Write on.
Ms. L
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Excuse Note
The Alarm Clock
Will Matthews
Lucky 13
Oh. Sorry. Patrick Suanda. He appears to have been planning something. His plans were...
No! Don't eat those blueberries! Please don't! Get away from those! DON'T EAT THE BLUEBERRIES! THOSE ARE NOT FOR...BOOM!
Sorry about that. I was trying to get funding for more scientific experiments. I was talking to a potential investor before I stepped into here. I don't think he will invest any money.
Back to Patrick Suanda. Oh dear, I have run out of time.
Peter Rosen
Excuse Note- Dallas Anderson
Dear cell phone,
I am sorry I did not text you today. You see, I broke both of my hands. I was waiting at the TRAX station when I tripped over a lone hobo. Right when I fell, a train came rushing by and over my hands. When I realized what had happened, I went into a panic. Someone called an ambulance and I passed out. I woke up in a white hospital room with a beeping sound echoing in my brain. I am sorry about this unfortunate event. I promise to text twice as much on you when I return.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Teh Excuse Note!!!
Please excuse me from school because my alarm clock attacked me. I tried to fight it off, but the blankets betrayed me with their extreme comfort. The pillows would not let me go, so I tossed and turned. The sun began to rise, and the war continued. I'm sorry, I tried! I guess I'm stuck in bed. Oh well.
-Sergeant O. (Otdom Polson) of period 1
Excuse Note by: Tessa Yates
James Cosgrove
- Cat, The Future Ruler of the World
Isaac Erekson
Please excuse Marios absence, he is buisy trying to find the right castle. We have recived many compliants from the Koopa because of a plumber sneaking through their pipes, jumping on their heads then stealing all of their coins and mushrooms.
My excuse note. Zoe Brinton. Period 5
Excuse Note by Brynn Hall
Excuse note by Blake Harsh
The Flying Monkeys
You Have a Problem
Excuse Note by Yvonne Wu
Please excuse Yvonne from not turning in her assignment. She really did it, I promise, I watched her work on it while I kept asking her to throw the ball to me. After she left though, she left the ball on the paper, and I tried getting it, and before you know it. I took a huge chomp out of it, but no need to worry, tasted like a straight A(: It won't ever happen again, well as long as she doesn't leave my ball somehwere with her homework.
Excuse Convo-Alysann Flower
A convo between a mom and her son
Excuse Note- Kelsey Ross P. 5
I am so terribly sorry to have missed the delicious "Veggie Spaghetti" last night. I did not mean to hurt you by going to a wild party at my friends house instead. I would never "purposely" miss dinner with my amazing family that gets along so well. I cried myself to sleep with shame last night.
P.S. The party was great! :D
The Click
What I think everyone on this good Earth is really searching for is what I call the click. The click is just as simple as it sounds, so don't stress over it too much. The click is what a person finds when something in them reacts, in a good way, to a certain person or thing. Well isn't that love you ask? When speaking of love in the way that millions of people through time have spoke of it, not necessarily. I will use my aunt as an example. She is 48 years old, and as far as I know, hasn't dated as long as I've been alive (perhaps longer, but it's not like I can just talk to her face to face whenever I want). And before you get any ideas of a sullen, ill-tempered witch, you need to know that she is the happiest and spunkiest person in my life. Her click so far isn't with another person, it's with her family and her work. (Please excuse me as I don't think I clarified this, I'm not saying there is no such thing as love. I'm just saying that there is a certain connection that may or may not be broken, or enlarged. I'm pretty much saying that the click is an important process if you ever want to love someone.) Ok, I lost my train of thought.
Have a good day/night/whatever time it is,
Marisa B.
Excuse Note-Kylee Call-Period 1
Please excuse Kylee Call for her Tardy this morning. My lucious soft warm feather down was no match for that annoying & pathetic thing that calls itself an alarm clock. The darling couldn't take her head off me. Dont worry though I am now participating in an early morning Yoga class and will be waking up every morning wither her.
The Best Purple Pillow Ever
Excuse Note - Brianne Johnson
Excuse Note-Stephanie Johnson
I know that I constantly ask for an excuse on my late assignments, but this time it's vital. I have a deadly condition entitled Non-Workaholic. If I go against this condition and expend any energy whatsoever, my health will be on the line. How does one survive without working, you may ask. Well, with my intense condition, I avoid all type of writing and doing essays as much as possible.
Stephanie Johnson
Dear Mr. Stickman, Xander Summers Period 6
The #2 Pencil
P.S. Good luck with the triangle dress girl, hey maybe you guys have a lot in common for example you both have stubby legs.
Alex Crowell- Excuse Note
I am extremely sorry to hear that your school has had an outbreak of intensive Bieber Fever. I, Justin Bieber, am taking full accountablity for this situation. It is not these young ladies fault that I'm so incredibly gorgeous and my hair flips in slow motion. It is not their fault that they think my songs are secretly written to each one of them, it is a side effect of the B-Fever. I apologize, so please exuse these ladies from their rabid behavior and I take full responsiblity for each outbreak and outburst.
- JB
Exuse Note - Brennan Clayton
Extra Credit Excuse Letter by Blake Brockbank
I'm sorry for what I have done, but i don't regret it. I'm sorry for being so dang awesome that you can't handle it. I'm sorry for being so awesome that I get paid millions of dollars to be injured. If I ever played, I might just dominate so much that I came to the conclusion that I should injure myself for the good of the league. Many people hate me and I don't understand why. I always look my best in my suit on the bench because I am just too awesome to actually play. I sat there and made more money than any other players on the team who actually played. There is a reason I made a bunch of money, it is because I am just so awesome. I am sorry for being so awesome, but too bad for you because I am off to warm up the bench in my nice suit over in Chicago.
Carlos Boozer
Excuse Note McKenzie Stauffer
Please excuse all of the girl students and most of the female teachers. For when they heard that I was going to go boating at Lake Powell they just had to come and see me. Well who could blame them with my stunning looks and rock hard abs? These girls couldn't resist the chance to come and drool and scream over me. I sure hope that you understand:).
Brad Pitt
My Excuse Note- By: Dana Soweidan
Dana's Mom, Layal
Peter Rosen Excuse Note
Please excuse Steven from school today. His quest for world domination requires him to stay in his top secret lab. Do not be alarmed if government agents request see him. Simply give them the enclosed pieces of chocolate and send them to the address on the map (also enclosed).
If mysterious agents inquire about toast, tell them that Steven is, in fact, a member of the SSS. Then tell them that they will never win and laugh maniacally. If penguins walk into your classroom, call (000) 000-0000 and tell the automatic message that the penguin police are onto him.
Monday, March 7, 2011
26 Ways To Fail
Bonjour everyone! This is not Jasmine, nope, this is Molly. Sadly Jasmine could not make it to the computer tonight so I am filling in for her. H and I are the letters for today because Jasmine failed to post last time too. Seriously, what is up with all the short posts? Let's get some content in these things!
So, since h and i can make a word, I'll start with that word. Hi! Yes, hi. I know that it's kind of lame but it is the best I could think of in this short time span. Hi is a great way to greet someone when you aren't feeling like a teenager (Hey) or a proper adult (Hello). Hi is also in many words in our dictionary, including high, amphibian, child, and many more words that I don't feel like copying and pasting. Now if you want to break up the letters, I can create a few more stuff.
Hmm, since Jasmine did Harry Potter last time I will do hypnotism. I'm personally in to hypnotism and all that fun stuff. Few people actually believe in it or are susceptible to it, but I will use my family as an example. My mother said my youngest mother would be most susceptible to it, my second brother probably wouldn't be affected and I was a mystery. Thanks mom for giving me a straight-forward answer as usual. There are multiple ways to hypnotize a person, including clocks, voices, and this funny picture below!

Beautiful, isn't it? Of course, this is more of an optical illusion, which will be discussed below.
Optical illusions are fun to look at, so instead of me droning on about them, here are a few.

So here is 26 Ways To Fail. This is Molly Annott Rinson, signing off.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
You Have a Problem
26 Ways to Fail
Where Are You??
Oreos. Oreos are the most wonderful thing in the world, well, it's probably tied with Reese's peanut butter cups, but that's a whole different story, so I will focus on Oreos. I'm sure most of you have heard that oreos are milks best friend, and while this may be true, it is true in more than one respect. Oreos go good with milk, ice cream, yogurt, and other milk products that I can not think of off the top of my head. Other non-milk products that I CAN think of are strawberries, reese's (yum) and breakfast. I know breakfast isn't really a food, but I'll keep it anyway. There is also a great skill required if you are to eat oreos the "cool" way. You must be able to twist the oreo and leave the white filling undisturbed. It took my years, but I finally mastered the art. (Look! A hyperbole!) Twisting the oreo just the right way is difficult though, but if you want to eat it normally, I guess it doesn't really matter.
So let's do some editing and see if I can find the right shade. Never tried this before.
YEAH! It is the right one. I feel like a ninja. I don't have a super secret message, besides maybe CAKE! Jasmine, you know what I'm talking about. As should you Alison, Marisa, Melissa, and anyone else that is to be at Jasmine's party. If you don't, well then you really are just an idiot. Don't mean to be mean but that's just me. LOOK! A RHYME!
So there is my ridiculously short post once again. After several months, I'm sure nobody missed it but oh well. Maybe it will motivate you people to POST! Thank you. That is all.
Taylor Tomlinson (Allys, Tally, Tanya, etc. I don't have a nicknames post so there is a few :3)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Anyone wish to guess my method? You should be trembling in your mukluks.
It was a short and fiery battle, and now i rule the island. Now, you may not think this is a great accomplishment, but it has the clues to another island...
No ninny-mouse, not that one.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Goodbye. May you be swept away suddenly in a whirlwind. I sing gleefully in your absence. I sing songs peacefully and without a care. Fly away. Don't die, but fly away. Come back when I am ready. Grow wings, jump off a cliff, it matters not, but let me live, I ask you! If only you were clever enough to put on a disguise. A disguise not to fool my eyes, but to please them. We jump around hand in hand dancing. We are happy if you leave. We may even tighten our grip of friendship. Please, we love you, secretly, deep down, somewhat, at least slightly. Wipe that tear off your face. Here's a tissue. Bon voyage, and let us party! La la laaa! We don't miss you! Goodbye! Have a safe trip! We won't actually forget you! Cheers!
To: Homework