Thursday, December 10, 2009

Remember By Taylor Tomlinson

You try to forgive the bad
You try to forget the worst
You try to remember the best
But you end up
Never forgiving, though covering it up
Remembering the worst parts, though saying you don't
Barely recall the good, though you wish you knew more
And crave for more of the lost, though it will never return
But though these cruel things are bad
They can't shadow the good
That you barely recall
For in 30 years
You might not forgive, but you will forget
But those moments
Are the moments you will remember.
No matter what.

R.I.P Michelle Welch, I'll always remember you!


  1. What a wonderful poem. I love your theme.

    Ms. L

  2. I love it Taylor! It states true things in a suggestive way.
    Marisa B.

  3. I love it! Taylor, you did an amazing job pointing out something most people miss. The word choice is quite good.

    Love it!
    Melissa T. Brummett
