Is it chance I ran into you?
Is it chance that we fell in love?
Is it chance that I broke your heart?
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance,
Give me a second chance at love!
I promise I’ll do better now.
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance,
Give me a second chance at life!
I’ll do better then I did then.
What’s the point of life without you?
I’m so hopeless and lost without you!
The pain I’m feeling inside,
I think it multiplied,
Without seeing you each day.
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance,
Give me a second chance at love!
I promise I’ll do better now.
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance,
Give me a second chance at life!
I’ll do better then I did then.
So give me a chance,
Give me a chance
And we’ll see how it lasts,
See how it lasts.
I was such a jerk.
I went so bizerk.
I messed up real bad,
So give me a second chance!
How many times do i say sorry?
What can I do?
To make you,
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance,
Give me a second chance at love!
I promise I’ll do better now.
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance,
Give me a second chance at life!
I’ll do better then I did then.
Give me a chance,
Give me a chance.
Then I’ll sing and dance,
Sing and dance.
I’ll wipe away the tears I left behind.
If you give me a chance.