Monday, April 4, 2011

Light in the Night by Kylee Call

Night has so much inspiration but not necessarily is light something that is always seen. Elie never gives up, he held strong, fought and rebelled against what the world and many others were telling him to do. Not only did he keep himself up, but he kept his father up at many times as well. He would run and run and keep going. He never sought revenge or tried to get back at Hitler. He was grateful for his life and to still have what he had. Times were hard and he kept his attitude up. He had doubts but he was strong. Light was shown through Elie Wiezel in Night.


  1. Kylee you had great insight onto what the "light" really is!! Good job:_
    -Maddie McMillan

  2. I like the part about inspiration as opposed to light.
    Will Matthews
