I hate the Penguin Police. I hate them a lot. Here we go again.
Peter Rosen
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
You Have a Problem
Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
Well Peter, I must say that I now Hate blueberries. Poor Albert still looks like a beach ball! Even with what has happened, we will still find, and stop you.
Peter, I will find you, because I am a servant of the Penguin Police, because justice is justice, and because France, is France. (sorry I didn't know what other place to do.)
Hey, I made it thought a whole post without being attacked.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Hello! Sorry to have it semi-late today. Actually sorry it's late at all but a few of you know what a busy life is like. :) Well moving on...Today is supposed to be u but I'm not even sure what to do. Well, frankly who cares if I write with a theme? It was just a gimmick. Considering there are now like 7 people on the blog now it calls for a celebration!
(Take the following five seconds to cheer really loudly. If your family looks at you weird then you have succeeded.)
Sorry again no time. The elaboration of the past three posts will only be disclosed if I gain a clear understanding of the classified information.
Jasmine Crespo
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
You Have a Problem
Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
Well Peter, the war begins. I must commend you on the bubbles. Who would of thought that there could be exploding bubbles. Unfortunately for you, not many people got hurt and we march on to your fortress (((base)secret lair)house). Whatever you through at us will not stop us.
Peter, will stop you once a...
Peter, I thought you figured out that bubbles do not work.
It's not bubbles... it blueberries?!
How in the world do you fight blueberries.
Stupid blueberries!
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
Sorry, but I can't talk for very long. You see, a hour ago, some robbers came into my house. They are holding me hostage, and even tied my hands together. But the thing is, they found me watching Glee on my television, and they have been watching ever since. I'd love for them to just come out of the house with their hands up and let me go, but Glee isn't over yet...! Sigh... Well, at least they didn't tie my hands tight. Fare thee well, 'tis the end of Talk-Like Shakespeare Day. See ya later!
-Mr. O
-Mr. O
Monday, April 25, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
....help... choking.... dying... (well the last part is a bit dramatic...) Help... so busy.. no life to post.... only a few seconds to send message... only... on... o... Classified... in.. inf. information can save.. me... please....... hel...p....
Jasmine Crespo
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
My Own Color Scheme
Green = Sadness
Brown = Neutral
Blue = Calm
Red = Lively
Purple = Happy
Black = Normal
Yellow = Fake
Pink = Fake
Gray = Fog
For those who care: You have an uncanny sense of green and avoid it.
Brown = Neutral
Blue = Calm
Red = Lively
Purple = Happy
Black = Normal
Yellow = Fake
Pink = Fake
Gray = Fog
For those who care: You have an uncanny sense of green and avoid it.
You Have a Problem
Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
Well Peter, I am getting very bored of nothing happening in this "war". All that I have seen you do are send some harmless bubbles our way. At least make an effort.
Well that is all...
What is that?! *BOOM*
Something is happening, *BOOM*but I can't tell what.
What are you *BOOM* sending at us Peter?
Wait, no, it can't be those. No, it can't be the bubbles, can it? *BOOM*
What is going on!?!?
Well Peter, I am getting very bored of nothing happening in this "war". All that I have seen you do are send some harmless bubbles our way. At least make an effort.
Well that is all...
What is that?! *BOOM*
Something is happening, *BOOM*but I can't tell what.
What are you *BOOM* sending at us Peter?
Wait, no, it can't be those. No, it can't be the bubbles, can it? *BOOM*
What is going on!?!?
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
My favorite words...
Weave, wonder, wound, Achilles, sooth, aura, manacle, fluff, care, illusion, liquid, density, ice, cirrus, healing, revisit, revitalize, hark, serene, spark, dimension, flow, swiftness, buffet, stir, amongst, hearth, wings, typhoon, fury, flan, fire, rest, nova, slip, sleet, siren, meteor, paling, rain, snow, crescent, shining, evening, soon, gale, bound, clouded, bequeath, bouquet, blossoming, cheery, cherry, fruitful, shatter, diamond, crystals, ribbon, seething, seam, panacea, ethereal, unwavering, arise, ashes, scar....
Arr, that's enough for now.... I need to do my homework now.
Weave, wonder, wound, Achilles, sooth, aura, manacle, fluff, care, illusion, liquid, density, ice, cirrus, healing, revisit, revitalize, hark, serene, spark, dimension, flow, swiftness, buffet, stir, amongst, hearth, wings, typhoon, fury, flan, fire, rest, nova, slip, sleet, siren, meteor, paling, rain, snow, crescent, shining, evening, soon, gale, bound, clouded, bequeath, bouquet, blossoming, cheery, cherry, fruitful, shatter, diamond, crystals, ribbon, seething, seam, panacea, ethereal, unwavering, arise, ashes, scar....
Arr, that's enough for now.... I need to do my homework now.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
You Have a Problem
Sorry very late, very busy.
I think the war has started. Is that what the bubbles mean?
I think the war has started. Is that what the bubbles mean?
Monday, April 18, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Unusual. That is usually what this blog is reffered to now. Today is U! For those of you who haven't read my posts before, or any of the columns on the blog for that matter, now would be a great time to start. Just go to the box on the top left corner and type in 26 ways to fail, lucky 13 and You have a problem (also the daily brief). So since this has to be extremely short today, just do something unusual and read the blog.
Jasmine Crespo
Jasmine Crespo
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Lucky 13
It is my hope that you enjoy your false sense of security. I do enjoy listening to you tell yourself that my attack is not coming. I enjoy it quite a lot. For future reference, it would be wise not to eat the blueberries we have sent to you. They are highly dangerous.
Peter Rosen
It is my hope that you enjoy your false sense of security. I do enjoy listening to you tell yourself that my attack is not coming. I enjoy it quite a lot. For future reference, it would be wise not to eat the blueberries we have sent to you. They are highly dangerous.
Peter Rosen
Friday, April 15, 2011
You Have a Problem
Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
I have nothing new to say about the war. (I still think Peter is to scared to do anything.)
I would like to talk about days that just make people happy and excited.
Do you ever have days where you are pumped?
Do you ever feel like the simplest thing makes you laugh?
Do you feel like nothing fun happened until you think back about it?
Some random examples (or not so random to a person) of what makes me laugh are:
Wanting to make your bus driver kick you out of the bus to see what others would do. (My favorite)
Having a quiet old man try to talk over the loud radio
Wanting to have someone make the loudest sound they can to be kicked out of the bus.
Making up random stories about mopeds and moles/mold.
Having police set you free for good behavior before you get to jail. (My other favorite)
Having one person sing a duet.
Giving a funeral to crackers.
Being three people at one funeral.
These are some examples I have. Reply with some things that make you laugh.
Ms. Lafortune please read
Please click on the link here and take in this idea for class. (All done in research)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Sorry sorry sorry this post has to be short. Today's letter is s so here is a silly comic.
(Sorry the Romeo and Juliet one was just the first comic I saw so I do not support any of the content) (Melissa might though....)(Click on the picture to enlarge)

(Sorry the Romeo and Juliet one was just the first comic I saw so I do not support any of the content) (Melissa might though....)(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Jasmine Crespo
I just used random jokes and references I heard today. Note the trench coat... ^
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
By William Earnest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul
The moment that I read this poem in Ms Lafortune's class a few weeks ago, I fell in love with it immediately. It moved me so deeply, and cut me to the very core of my being, that I was almost caught in shock. The moment that I arrived home, I immediately printed it up on a big white sheet of paper and framed it, placing it on my wall where everyone could see it. I now wake up each morning and read it, and each morning I find some new encouragement, courage, faith, strength, or whatever I need to feel that day, by reading just those four stanzas. I believe that Invictus is one of the few poems on this earth today that can reach the hearts of everyone, no matter who they are, and can convey a different message each time that it is read. It is one that I would share with the whole world if I could.
I cannot stress enough the importance of and the weight of the words that fill these 16 lines. This is why I decided to post this on our Honor's English blog, because even if it is just a post, it is a post that hopefully a lot will read and be moved by. We are all the masters of our fates. We are all the captains of our souls. If this realization was to be given to every single teenager of this day and age, a great change would be wrought. People would have faith in their capabilities, and many would strive to do their best and to not allow the pressures of peers or the media and world today, get the best of them. They would have the perseverance to conquer their trials, instead of merely succumbing to them. Think of what the world could be!
With that, I leave you for now, and hope that you too were able to be moved by this remarkable poem.
Aurora [even though you all probably know my name by now :) ]
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
You Have a Problem
Hello and sorry that this is so late.
I have been very busy with the war business with Peter. Well, I should say that nothing has happened, but we are alert for anything. My family thinks the reason that Peter has not done anything is to try and make us feel secure and safe, and then attack. I think Peter is just to scared to fight us. Ya Peter, I haven't seen any blueberries, traps or any agents of any sort. Peter, I bet that I could take you!
We are not afraid Peter! Come and face us!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Moo, Shipoopi, and Shoopuf
All right; three things.
First of all, I would like to talk about some Japanese words, me being an anime geek. "Itadakimasu" means "let's eat". I think it's formal; like a tradition. It is said whenever the family is sitting down to eat.
"Junjou" means "pure", or "honest". People have a hard time with honestly expressing themselves. I learned this word from a song! ^_^
"Yare yare" means "good grief". I heard it in animes. Apparently, it is infamous. Shall someone research that?
Second... @#*$%&*^!!!! Oh. I'm automatically stupid because I have nothing smarter to say. However, is there such a thing as something "smart to say"? Sure, there are times when we say the right thing at the right time, and that's considered smart. The gesture itself is smart, not what we say. And since when have words had any sort of intelligence? I suppose that some words sound smarter than others, but... Well.... When did swearing become something "stupid" to say? I suppose they sound like cacophonies... Maybe it's their definitions that's so bad? Ah well. I think that due to the fact that I am watching The Simpsons right now, I can't think of anything else to say. Hmm...
Third..! Illusion! Illusion is something, but also nothing. It is confusing and vague. I have heard that eternity is an illusion. Eternity is an illusion because there is no such thing. Everything must come to an end. Love, or so I have heard, is an illusion. Love contradicts itself. It puts people in danger, or can save them from it. Love remedies pain, but without it, one's heart would ache.
Okay. Now I must get back to my homework... (sob) Sayonara. Ciao. Bonne nuit.
-Mr. O
First of all, I would like to talk about some Japanese words, me being an anime geek. "Itadakimasu" means "let's eat". I think it's formal; like a tradition. It is said whenever the family is sitting down to eat.
"Junjou" means "pure", or "honest". People have a hard time with honestly expressing themselves. I learned this word from a song! ^_^
"Yare yare" means "good grief". I heard it in animes. Apparently, it is infamous. Shall someone research that?
Second... @#*$%&*^!!!! Oh. I'm automatically stupid because I have nothing smarter to say. However, is there such a thing as something "smart to say"? Sure, there are times when we say the right thing at the right time, and that's considered smart. The gesture itself is smart, not what we say. And since when have words had any sort of intelligence? I suppose that some words sound smarter than others, but... Well.... When did swearing become something "stupid" to say? I suppose they sound like cacophonies... Maybe it's their definitions that's so bad? Ah well. I think that due to the fact that I am watching The Simpsons right now, I can't think of anything else to say. Hmm...
Third..! Illusion! Illusion is something, but also nothing. It is confusing and vague. I have heard that eternity is an illusion. Eternity is an illusion because there is no such thing. Everything must come to an end. Love, or so I have heard, is an illusion. Love contradicts itself. It puts people in danger, or can save them from it. Love remedies pain, but without it, one's heart would ache.
Okay. Now I must get back to my homework... (sob) Sayonara. Ciao. Bonne nuit.
-Mr. O
26 Ways to Fail
Hello my friends! Well today was a wonderful day wasn't it? Besides the murders* I almost committed today it went just splendidly. I don't have much time today so I'll get on to it. Today's letter is J. Oddly enough last time I did J it was on a Monday too. Later on I'll rig up an elaborate trap for this. J is for.... Well..... Jokers? Scary little clowns? Jasmine? My name and also a flower... Jelly? Goes well on toast. Jam? See Jelly. Junebug... self explanatory. Jumping ____? Fill in the blank or I can't help you. Well just remember bloggers, this week is election week and there are some awesome people running for Sophomore Rep and MAG. So tomorrow is the assembly, may the best man/ woman win! Any suggestions for posts by the way? I know I'm not in this weird feud that Aninimous and Peter are in... Writing again Thursday!
Jasmine Crespo
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Lucky 13
So Aninimous, you are finally realizing just who I am. Let the war begin! We need soldiers. Yes, it is finally time. Activate the machine! Get the public relations expert ready! Prepare the blueberries! Set the traps! Send the agents in! It is time for the final assault! Peter Rosen P.S. DOOM!
Friday, April 8, 2011
You Have a Problem
Peter! I am coming for you. (with my family of course) We shall destroy you and your associates.
Albert ready the tanks
Thursday, April 7, 2011
26 Ways to Fail
Greetings, and welcome to 26 Ways to Fail. Today's all important letter is well it's supposed to be R but frankly I'm tired of writing with themes. So instead I'll put my research I have been doing for the past 3 days to use. Ladies of HJH, yes you have probably already participated in this so look out for your entires. All are assorted in random order.
This is a list complied of traits girls like in guys and want. My suggestion. Grab some if you don't. Yes this is random but I wasn't sure when this would be of use. Here I'll make it have an r in it. READ AND REPLY. It is in a random order that only the writer can decode! So ha! And these were taken straight from girls at HJH!
If you have comments, concerns or more comment. (Yes I know that this is not my usual topics or even an area I go into but I need to expand more)Sorry if it repeats and some apply to the girl...
Going somewhere in life
Listens to you
Has respect for you
Is going on a mission
Wants to be married in the temple
Wants to have a family
Has an education
fun to be around
Will always love you
black hair
Brown or blue eyes
at least 6ft tall
long thin nose
recognizes that I'm the boss
Believes in ghosts
Likes rock music
Loves me for me
Straight teeth
likes WWE
Has a decent job that pays okay
Likes dogs
Willing to squish spiders for me
Is good with kids (So I don't have to be)
Is polite to my family even when I'm not, but always backs me up
Has a cool name.
Must be aware of how I'm feeling and when I'm not in the mood to do anything
Protective (Heroic, not freaky)
He needs to be:
a good leader
a good brother
He needs to have: a testimony
Goals, loves music
loves writing
leadership skills
a song in his heart
the gospel
college degree
loves singing
Simple home skills
loves sports
He needs to: Uphold his priesthood
plan and go on a mission
not swear
respect me
be kind to all
clean (aka chores)
love my family
love me
understand me
not judge
be able to listen to a song over and over again
a bit OCD
Needs to like:
SItting out at night
baked goods
my crazy ideas
to try new things
listen to me
a cute smile
You guys can make a list for our girls if you want revenge. Sorry, I was bored.
Jasmine Crespo
Your Light
Hi 9Hers,
Thank you for thoughtfully posting the light you found in Night. I love when I read your thoughts and think, "wow, I never thought about it that way before". Many of your pieces were thoughtful, and even brutally honest- which is fine. The important thing is you tried, you read, you wrote.
Ms. L
Thank you for thoughtfully posting the light you found in Night. I love when I read your thoughts and think, "wow, I never thought about it that way before". Many of your pieces were thoughtful, and even brutally honest- which is fine. The important thing is you tried, you read, you wrote.
Ms. L
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Lucky 13
What's wrong Aninimous? Feeling sad that I didn't turn out to be the ally you thought I was? Too bad. I guess you have a new antagonist. Or antagonists. I don't work alone. Who works with me? That's classified. With Patrick out of the way, it is time to take action. To whom it may concern: South America is secure. This will be our stronghold. Brilliant isn't? The origin of the carrier of our power is now a stronghold. We will meet in Peru on Saturday. That's all for now.
Peter Rosen
The Light In Night by Allie Neff
*sorry guys, this post is quite delayed, but please bare with me... Night was definantly NOT my favorite book, but there are bits and pieces of it that I enjoyed. For example, I liked the page about the dentist who collected golden teeth. Elie was able to trick the dentist into thinking that he was sick so he could keep his golden tooth. The dentist was chewed out and Elie could keep his tooth!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Light in Night; Brennan Clayton
In the book Night, Wiesel is shown many bad things while in Auschwitz. These expreiences helped him to become more mature. When he lost all faith he kept pushing hoping that something would happen and he could be free. We've all seen where that has gotten him.
Brennan Clayton
The Light in Night, Victour Bue
Night was a book of travels and Time. Wiesel was just a child before his experience. His abduction was a Vessel for maturity and growth. When darkness came at him from all angles he lost his faith. only to replace it with a stronger more powerful belief. That is what I think the Light in Night is.
-Victour Bue
Light in the Night by McCall Mash (absent Monday)
The light seemed not to be hope; not faith nor compassion. Elie Wiesel said that the prisoners in Auschwitz lost the little bit of compassion, faith, and hope they had. He did not say that they were ruthless, unforgiving, but more that grew numb and found it hard to care. Care whether or not they lived or died. Why should they care? They were living with death. So where was the light? To me it seemed like there was none at all. Only a cruel, wicked novel on how humans were treated like they did not deserve the right to live. But I found myself proven wrong. One of the few times while reading this novel I found a bit of light. In a part of the book I read about a mans eyes having the shadows of laughter. To me that said 'One day I will laugh again, this will not kill me.' That seemed to be the one part of the book that stuck with me most. That was some of the light that I saw, even when it was that dark.
You Have a Problem
Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
Jasmine, I have no clue now why the Penguin Police want you. Also, it wasn't theoretically "your" car. I am so sorry for everything.
Peter Peter Peter. I thought that you were the good guy. I believed that you were a friend of mine, and apparently my family has been after you for three years! As to why my family can always find you. Steven and other SSS agents tried to free Patrick Suanda, but they didn't succeed. Although, three Penguin Police were injured, and much of the base is now covered in teddy bears. Can, I ask why? Well, when Steven and the other agents retreated, he dropped the dog, the one that acts nice and sweet. He also dropped a piece of paper, that had many addresses. That is how they have been able to find you.
Well have to go now.
Light in Night by Melissa Brummett
For me, the light in Night was the question of humanity. Even though the Nazis seem inhuman and cruel, there is still kindness hidden in the concentration camps. People still held attachments to family, even though some let go of what was important to them before. Because of our humanity, we retain certain abilities even when faced with the worst of situations. Many people had the strength to keep living as long as their body would permit, this is a very human thing. Holding onto life and what we love is natural. And even though these people went through such horrid events that scarred them, they may have been the better for it if they allowed their humanity to stay with them like a shadow. After they had dealt with everything, they were stronger and nothing could defeat them. It was a horrible thing to happen to anyone, but at least it made them stronger and nothing could conquer them after that. They no longer feared Death. They really had no fear, just the bare instincts which are more human than anything else. No matter how our society grows we always have what's called the Id, the thing inside is that wants and has to have. We have needs and what the Id wants it gets or has to find a way around. We need food, shelter, comfort, warmth, and things like that. The Id is what tells us we want it and that we need to get it. Id keeps us going. What makes us human? Apposable thumbs, language, music, I don't think so. It's the way we communicate. Language and communication are two separate things that get pushed together a lot. Our instincts tell us how to communicate and what is being communicated. So when we are left with nothing but the Id, we are left with nothing but our humanity.
Light In The Night by Sierra Iams
Night was focused around absolutely depressing and emotionally disturbing things that went on during the Holocaust, but even a book like Night, there was some light. The little light that existed in the book was never really obvious and it was rare, but it did exist. Light was in the simple little hopes that people had, and in the smallest occurrences. This just goes to show that even in the worst situations, there is some good.
I love how almost everyone who wrote their Light in Night paragraphs started it off with a sentence following somewhere along the lines of, 'Night was a sad and depressing book', when what we're really supposed to be writing about is the happiness or hope that is found in the novel. Just thought I'd point that out. :)
light in Night-Parker Curtis
The light in Night. Night was filled with lots of death and tragedy, there seemed to be little light in the book at all. But there was actually some. The light that I got out of Night was that no matter what happens to you, there is always some sort of hope. Hope that you will get though the bad times and into the good.
The Light In Night - Alex Crowell (Absent Monday)
I think that hope is a key factor to all horror. The events documented in Night are unfamable, and the dreams, aspirations, and voices that were silenced during these events cannot go unheard. But as all nights go, dawn liberates the cloak that covers the sky. In the novel, Elie is always saving for tommorrow, living for tomorrow and working for that liberation, his dawn. That is the light in night. The fact that it isn't tangiable and cannot be seen, but that it is there and that is WILL come is what gives him hope, and gives us all hope. That the night in our lives will evenually be liberated.
The Light in Night- Cassidy Nelson
It was hard at first to find the light in night. All i could see was the hurt and the pain. But the light is truly in the book. It is the fact that we as a people should learn from our mistakes and never let this happen again. We should learn to except others differences and learn to love all people for those differences. I think that that is what Elie Wiesel was trying to say when he wrote such a terrifying novel.
"The Light In Night"
Through all of his trials and sufferings I think he learned many good things because he saw how devistating and cruel people can be and they tried to stay positive the whole time so in the end he learned from their trials and became a better person. Even in the end they didn't feel revenge or hate just hungar.
The Light in Night- Kelsey Ross
"Night" shows the human race at its worst. Elie Wiesel was torn from his family and treated cruelly while people looked on and considered him less than human. Because of this experience, Elie not only lost his childhood and his family, but part of his future. Part of him died while going through that and he will never be able to be the person he could have been if he was not sent to Auschwitz. This is a mistake that we have learned from and I hope that this will never repeat.
The Light In Night. Tre Petersen
When I was first starting Night I went into it with a negative attitude thinking "Oh no not another depressing book for my break." But when I was finished i came out with an entirely different perspective of the Holocaust and all of the people who had to endure those years of turture and suffering and it opened my eyes to a whole new side of the story that I had never really been able to see before. There is no light in Night and there cannot be or else it would not be as powerful of a story and would not be able to reach out to all of the millions of people that it has.
The Light in Night by Marissa Earley
This book by Elie Wiesel was utterly wicked and cruel. I don't know if I could handle the thought that I might not see the sun tomorrow. People were treated like wild animals and not like human beings. Sometimes there may seem as if there is no light in a statement or through out an entire novel. Luckily, Elie talks about the light in night. He has taken it upon himself to never treat anyone else as he was treated. Thankfully the madness of death camps has been burned; literally. This is a bit of hope in the situation and what we can all try to strive for.
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Light in Night by Brynn Hall
"Night. No one prayed, so that the night would pass quickly. The stars were only sparks of the fire which devoured us. Should that fire die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky but dead stars, dead eyes." (pg. 18)
Night is a twisted, yet true story of one of the many horrible concentration camps during World War II. Yet, it shows the strength of one strong, young boy, who sacrifices because of the love of his father, and the faith in God he has. He has his weak moments, as so many do, but he stays strong. This is very powerful literature which should inspire everyone to have faith, and stay strong. Even in the toughest times.
The Light in Night by Alison Carter
Night is a depressing, yet interesting autobiography on Elie Wiesel's experience in the concentration camp, Auschwitz as a lad of fifteen. Its writing may not be the greatest, but it has a perspective to it that draws the reader in, and causes them to want to learn more. The Jews were without hope, and many died alone and without help. "Here or elsewhere, what did it matter? Die today or tomorrow, or later? The night was growing longer, never ending. " (pg 98) I think that one of the lights in night is family; having someone who's always there to encourage you. Out of all of the times that Elie and his father could have easily been separated, circumstances were changed miraculously that allowed them to stay together, separated only by the death of his father. They pushed each other on, and were the only reason that each of them survived so long through the terrifying trials in the concentration camp. Family bonds play such an important part in our lives and our actions, and I love how Elie and his father were always there for each other, even if it meant the misfortune of the other.
The Light in Night by Will Matthews
Night is a very deep, passionate novel with emotion heavy on every page. Sadly, the overwhelmingly most popular emotion was fear or desperation. Elie Wiesel writes of a black time, not only in his life, but in all of Earth's history. One of the only lights in Night was the hope of surviving he found through determination and through his faith. Although he sometimes doubts his god, he keeps his steadfast will to live and survive.
A Light in Night By: Spencer Downs
In the novel Night, there is next to no "light" through out the entire novel. It is a sad, depressing story about how one boy managed to survive the holocaust. What happy, heartwarming thoughts can come from that? The main light source of the book to me is to always have hope. Elie was always told to have hope, and thought about having hope no matter what position he was in. Sometimes his hope was that of a dwindling flashlight, and other times it was a bright as the sun. The other light in the novel was the gratitude that I have for living in a free country, were human rights don't care if you are old or young, rich or poor. In the end, the book Night was a book full of uplifting thoughts (if you read between the lines).
A Light in Night
Elie Wiesel's Night was an account of his unforgettable time in the darkest place during the coldest time in human history. In the midst of tragedy, he showed that family is hope. It made me realize how family affects everyone; if you're willing to kill family for your own survival, survival itself will elude you. He also showed me that when you're hopeless and hope, you acquire the will to make it happen. -Savid Acuña
Xander Summers
Night was the exact oposite of uplifting. Finding any light in Night was nearly impossible. It is a novel filled with such dreay and hopless ordeals, this makes it hard to find the light. But I did find one thing that made me feel a little better. I realized that I have come to be more greatful for our country and the rights we have. I am grateful that I would never have to go through such an ordeal. That is the only Light I have been able to find.
A Light in the Night by Taylor Tomlinson
Night was a depressing book. I'm just going to throw that out there. I'm going to try and keep my personal opinion of the writing style and some parts out of this, but if I fail, I apologize. I believe the one of the lights in such a dark book is the relationship between Elie and his father. They stand together through everything, though even that deteriorates. Everything is about supporting each other and staying alive, because they only have each other.
Light in the Night by Kylee Call
Night has so much inspiration but not necessarily is light something that is always seen. Elie never gives up, he held strong, fought and rebelled against what the world and many others were telling him to do. Not only did he keep himself up, but he kept his father up at many times as well. He would run and run and keep going. He never sought revenge or tried to get back at Hitler. He was grateful for his life and to still have what he had. Times were hard and he kept his attitude up. He had doubts but he was strong. Light was shown through Elie Wiezel in Night.
A light in Night. By: Zoe Brinton
Night is a novel full of sadness when there seems to be no hope in any light. When you dig deep there is much more light in the novel. The light in Night is having the strength to endure. There may be many mountains to climb and hurdles to jump; but you can get through anything. Night gave many courage and hope. Courage and hope are the brightest lights that are found in the darkest hours.
The Light in Night by Ammon Harris
This book has taught me how important it is to always have hope. Elie Wiesel always had hope even through all the problems he was facing. He even let that light shine on those around him. This book made me realize how amazing it is too have freedom. This is an inspiring book.
The Light in Night By: Tessa Yates
Light and joy in the novel Night seems nonexistent. Darkness and loss fill the souls of the SS guards and the prisoners. The little light that does dwell in the concentration camps exists through positive influences like Elie's father, the French lady, Juliek, and Rabbi Eliahou. They bring hope to Elie that makes him realize the light that can shine through darkness. Light would never exist in the novel without the help of these few extraordinary people. Elie Wiesel's novel is also a source of light to the reader. The sad stories that flood the pages bring knowledge to the reader that makes them appreciate the light in which they hold in their own lives.
The Light in the Night, by Otdom Polson
Sadness is abundant in Night. Wiesel is separated from his family and is left with just his father. He survives because he was able to stay with his father. If anything else happens, the two must stay together. The two must survive together, otherwise there might as well be no point to enduring to the end. People have asked "Where is God?" and gave up their lives. Some saw the Holocaust as an ultimate test and decided to prove their worth. Either way, it was important to live to tell the tale to others, as Wiesel said, to warn others.
I think that to be able to survive, you need something to cherish; something to look forward to; something to care about. Wiesel had his father for cherishing. Wiesel was looking forward to the day when everything would go back to normal, like the good old days. Wiesel cared about his life, his existence. His strength grew from not wanting to give up. He came so far, it didn't seem right to give up. I think that even having gone through the Holocaust, Wiesel carried these irreplaceable thoughts. He had shown that he can survive if he has love, hope, and human emotion.
I think that to be able to survive, you need something to cherish; something to look forward to; something to care about. Wiesel had his father for cherishing. Wiesel was looking forward to the day when everything would go back to normal, like the good old days. Wiesel cared about his life, his existence. His strength grew from not wanting to give up. He came so far, it didn't seem right to give up. I think that even having gone through the Holocaust, Wiesel carried these irreplaceable thoughts. He had shown that he can survive if he has love, hope, and human emotion.
The Light in Night: by Kyleigh Cooper
I enjoyed the book although it was very sad and depressing. The little hints of "light" throughout the memoir showed that there were still people who had hope during this difficult time period. The small acts of kindness towards Wiesel were an example of light. For instance, when the French girl gave him encouragement after he had been beaten, when a prisoner gave him advice to lie about his age so he could live, and when his father shared food with him so that he would not die of starvation. All the stories we hear about the holocaust are similar, being their quest for survival amongst horrific conditions, but also unique to each and every personal circumstance. Wiesel was one of the lucky ones.
The Light in Night by: Yvonne Wu
The light in Night was definitely the strength and courage to move on. Elie Wiesel saw a mentor in everybody he met. Therefore he was taught and encouraged to have hope, and not matter how tired your body is. If your heart carries on, so shall you. Though he was an empty shell after his expirence, and lost the self he was. He learned to create another self to continue his path. And though his new self isn't the same as he was before, it gives him a power that lifts himself up and continue. It shows that in the most drastic, devestating situations, sometimes the hope you're looking for, is in yourself. That even when your eyes are wide open and all you see is darkness. When you close your eyes, there will be a light for you to find your way. That is the light in Night. To have strength in yourself, where there's nothing around you.
The Light I Night by Victoria Weston
Althought the book night was sad, but it showed that even when you are in the lowest places you can still make it out if you have faith and never give up. Faith and loved ones kept them alive. when they felt like all hope was lost and it did not matter what happened to them they were reassured by the one around them and there faith. Faith, determination and hope is what kept Elies alive during thoughs trying times.
The Light In Night- Maddie McMillan
The light that I saw in night was desire. Elie's as well as the other Jews desire to live, and to believe brought hope. They had the will to pray, and have faith that they would be alright in the darkest time of their lives. It made me admire those who were persecuted in the Holocaust. They truly are all amazing people.
The Light in Night by Shane Rayhill
Night was a sad and lonely book, yet in the words I found my light. My light was happiness. It taught me to be happy. Be happy for what I have and don't have. It also taught me about freedom and what freedom can mean to different people.
The Light in Night- Blake Brockbank
Even though there doesn't seem to be much, there is light in Night. In the novel, the Jews continually looked for the good and light while they were being persecuted in the concentration camps. This is especially true about Elie, the author. They always looked for the positive no matter what. One example is how they were thankful for having their lives spared for the ones who were even though they were in concentration camps and were enduring hard labor. Elie and his father always seemed to be finding the light. His father was always encouraging his son to keep going and to not give up. He knew that if they didn't give up, they were eventually escape and be free. Because Elie didn't give up, this came true for him.
The Light In Night
Night was such a sad book but it made me realize I could've never of gone through anything that they had to go through. The light that Elie had to keep moving on everyday and trying to live to the next showed he wasn't willing to give up. This was the light that I kept realizing throughout the whole book. It was the want to keep going on even in the darkest of their days. I know I wouldn't have that light if I had to live through the holocaust. These people are true heros with their hope and light. <3 Alysann Flower
The Light in Night. Danielle Mabe
Night was very depressing, especially at the end the way Elie's father died. This was a very good story and it got my attention at the way everyone handled the situations. All different. However, there was a lot of hope, even if none of them knew what was going to happen. That takes a lot of strength to do, to have hope when you don't know what people are going to do to you!
The Light in Night-Maddi Merrill
There is always going to be light, even in the darkest of nights. The souls that still have the faith, the fight, the willingness to still survive, that are the examples to others, and lead them to the light are the stars. They, sooner or later, will all see the full moon, how it shines, leads, and how it brings hope to others. That hope that builds within them grows, and leads to them surviving. When they do come out, they realize that they just don't have the moon, they have the sun. Because day always comes after night. ~*Maddi Merrill*~
26 Ways to Fail
Testing... Testing... Sorry I'm trying to do something new. If you guys haven't read 26 Ways to Fail before, I highly suggest you do. Today is P....hmmm what did I do last time? Oh...Now I remember. I highly suggest you click on this link. :)
(The smiley face)
Okay, the thing I was doing new is this... (Fanfare playing loudly....) Look at end of this post. Who does it say it is written by, not WRITER, but JASMINE CRESPO. Yes I finally got lazy enough to do it so I wouldn't have to switch between my email and this one. It's not that common but I like messing with technology. So since we already did so many things on p last time. (CLICK ON THE LINK ALREADY!!) really you should read it, it has the most comments on the blog, 85... well I think. Also, most likely all of you are reading because you are doing your homework. Basically we have two handfuls of people on the blog now!YAY! Okay that was a little much.... here. yay. Okay that should work. Also, after escaping AGAIN from prison. (What's the excuse this time Aninimous??) I got to sleep. A lot. So P is for.....
My friends and I tend to have an obsession with the color purple for some reason. (Also include the Jellyfish Ambassador). Elprup was our country's name in Biology and we are afraid of purple dinosaurs. (Or at least scream very loudly.) This applied to me actually semi recently. Hmm.. it was a bit of revenge. :) I am also compiling a survey for girls to answer so if you want it, contact me. Well, that's all until next time.
Jasmine Crespo
(If it wasn't obvious already...)
The light in the Night - Blake Harsh
The light that I found in the novel Night, was the fact that Ellie Wiesel didn't feel the need for revenge. We have read so many books about how revenge has ruined a person's life. Those books include The Count of Monte Cristo and Wuthering Heights. This book shows us how if you forgive, it will change your life for the better.
-Blake Harsh-
-Blake Harsh-
The Light in Night by Steven Pappas
Night was a great book in my opinion of a boys experience in the Holocaust. I found many "lights" in Night. One of them is understanding. This might sound absurd, but the Jews finally understood what was really happening. They had surrounded themselves in this cloudy false thinking, that when the lightbulb was turned they were shocked by what they saw. As ugly as this light may be, it is still a light.
A different sort of light I found was of freedom. We always hear of the light at the end of the road, and it signifies a place we want to go. Many people in the book held onto that light like Juliek, and the man that defied Germany at his death. Elie and others finally made it to the end of the tunnel, to freedom!
The Light in the Night by Jasmine Crespo
Night was a book full of darkness and hopelessness. One thing I found though was truly a "Light" in Night. Germans thought they were so much better than the Jews. They even restricted them from playing German music by German composers. Juliek, from what I understand was a very talented violinist. He faced many hard trials in Auschwitz and when he had his final dark moment, facing death, he provided light and hope for himself and for those around him by showing that he didn't care anymore about German restrictions and in the final moments of his life, all he cared about was his violin and playing the music he loved. He played a German song, so what? He brightened the spirits of those around him and died with a spark of hope.
I hate this book with all the passion of my being. (Well maybe I find some parts good and inspiring but the best written part of the book was the preface). It is dark disturbing and in my opinion, not well written. Prove me wrong, or say that I'm wrong, I don't really care. This is just an opinion so disregard it.
The Light in Night Berkley Mitchell(:
As I was reading Night it showed how changing peoples environment changed who they are, and what they did. The SS officers pinned them against each other and forced them to make decisions and choices that they shouldn't have made. But all through out Night examples of the true caring of humans shown threw. Juliek, The Polish Girl, and Elie himself were the best examples of light; they always found a reason to leave, they continued to care for other people, and the loved all through out their stay at the camp.
The Light in Night by Peter Rosen
The biggest "light" I found in Night was people who managed to keep their humanity and identity in the terrible situation they were in. There are numerous examples. From the Pole who greeted them kindly when they arrived in Auschwitz to the man who showed defiance even when he was about to die, people refused to be entirely defeated by the situation they were in. Juliek's music showed light. Elie's commitment to stay with his father showed light. There were many examples of those who rose above the situation they were in to put the light in Night.
The Light in Night by Dallas Anderson
It's hard for readers to contemplate the power of Night. It is an intense story about a boy turning into a man through harsh concentration camps. Throughout the story, Elie Wiesel is having hardships, and the only thing he can turn to is his father. Elie's father is the only reason that Elie keeps himself alive. The light that I was able to find in Night was courage. No matter how hard Elie was working, he never complained. If he was living in a concentration camp and didn't complain, I think all of us should be able to do the same.
The Light in Night By McKenzie Stauffer
In the novel Night Elie Wiesel explains his experience during the Holocaust. Threw out the years in the concentration camps it seemed like nothing was getting better and everything was getting worse. He was starving, he had to walk hundreds of miles and his dad died. He was in the middle of a huge nightmare. During this nightmare some seem to forget the fact that even during the night there are some rays of light. For Wiesel his light was surviving, being with his father(for a time) and being able to thank those that warned him of danger. These rays of hope were his moon and stars. Even though they shine dimily they were the things that gave him hope to press forward and travel on to the next dawn.
"The [rare and hard to find] Light in Night" By Daniel Powell
The book Night was a sad and dark book, however it had some spots of light that shown out in the dark. The character Juliek was not a big person, however he showed me that there is still hope and joy even in the darkest of times. The music that he played was played in fun, his violin was a part of him that was not taken away from him when he was taken away to the camps. It showed me that the SS could not take away everything that made the people who they were, music (we can assume) was a big part of Juliek's life before it all started and it was still a part of him all the way till his death. Music was the shining light that helped Juiek live as long as he did.
"A Light in Night" by Savannah Weaver
Night was a very hard book to read. Everyday I had to force myself to sit down and go through a section of it. However, when it was finished I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had gotten through. During Night there seemed to be no hope. Yet every once and a while, little stars would become visible, like Juliek and the French girl. With those signs of hope, Wiesel seemed to be able to push past the drowning darkness he lived in and further into the night. As night ended, dawn began to approach until he was finially free from the constraints of his prison.
In the novel Night Elie Wiesel explains his experience during the Holocaust. Threw out the years in the concentration camps it seemed like nothing was getting better and everything was getting worse. He was starving, he had to walk hundreds of miles and his dad died. He was in the middle of a huge nightmare. During this nightmare some seem to forget the fact that even during the night there are some rays of light. For Wiesel his light was surviving, being with his father(for a time) and being able to thank those that warned him of danger. These rays of hope were his moon and stars. Even though they shine dimily they were the things that gave him hope to press forward and travel on to the next dawn.
The Light in Night By Janelle Leppink
The Holocaust. A word to describe horrors most humans cannot imagine. Devastation and death surround this time in human history. Men, women, children, and helpless infants could not escape the torture, the deaths, and the inevitable of changing internally forever. Survivors walk today to tell the horror stories of this terrifying point in history, and the pain and suffering associated with it, purely to ensure that something like this will never happen again. In the midst of the darkness and evil, is it possible for true heroes to rise from the ashes? After reading the account of Night, one can know with a surety that a hero was created out of Elie Wiesel, who showed incredible strength which all must admire. Light is hard to find in a dark, and trying time like the Holocaust. All we ever see are the horrors, and pain from it. What we fail to realize is there is light in the darkness. Elie Wiesel and thousands of others rise as heroes from the horrible time they experienced. The light in the darkness is these heroes. They are the light that can come out of so much darkness and sadness.
The Light In Night-Ellie Dow

The book on its own is depressing, but the message it gives us is the light. But what is that light? He is telling you this uncensored horror in order to make you take an oath; an oath that makes sure that you will never be cruel to any living being, because if you are, then you are no better than the SS Men and the Nazis.
~Ellie Dow
the sound of light Isaac Erekson
Juliek made the biggest mark in my mind, the sound of music when hope is so lost, when all is gone. It shows that there was, is and will always be beauty in the world, and that no one or even a group of people can take that away fully. Juliek still had his soul, something that the SS took away from almost everyone else.
The Light in the Night by Stephanie Johnson
Elie Wiesel went through many terrible situations that helped him to grow stronger. Through all of his hardships, his father was always there, helping him along the way. Night helped me to appreciate my own family in a different way. As the book went on, I realized how hard it must have been to have gone through what Elie did. I learned that if you look hard enough, there will always be a light shining somewhere in your own life. You don't need to go through a concentration camp to figure that out.
The Light in Night- James Cosgrove
Although many persons in the camp turned for the worse and made lives even worse, some select few revealed their true virtue and really shined. Just the small things they do shine out in the darkness of the concentration camp. In the worst times, the brilliant humans tend to really glimmer in the night.
The Light in the Night Maddie Olsen
Tragedies and hardships can bring a person darker side to light. Caught up in the desperation of self-preservation, one boy attacked his father for a piece of bread. Was it the experience that caused him to act like this, or is it just a part of human nature that is normally hidden? Wiesel often found himself thinking that he would be better off if his father were dead. But, he loved him so much made him immediately regret. That father-son bond was something that no one could ever take away from them.
Light in Night- by: Dana Soweidan
Having a reason, even one silly reason, to grasp on to can literally sace you life. Wiesel thought about death everyday, yet he would always come back and say that he wants to live for his father, but not for him. This is what saved his life. So always have that one reason in life; it takes you higher.
Light in Night, by Marisa B.
With all the darkness that envelopes the book Night by Elie Wiesel, there is little to no light. Death rampages through the pages without check and sadness follows it with glee. People don't dare look to another, not wanting to see what they know is there. Loved ones are torn from each other even after being promised that they would remain together. There is one thing that allowed people in the Holocaust to continue moving, and while hope had a tiny part to play, there is something even slightly bigger. The very fact that the human mind was able to numb its body into obscurity is a thin shield that blocks out insanity. Sadness and tears will come after being pushed beyond physical limits, but being able to just move allows the mind to survive just another minute.
The Light in the Night- Taryn Green
The light in Night... it's an excellent question. I guess the only light that is present in Night would be the hope that is there in the hearts of the Jews in the concentration camp. Yet even that seems to vanish rapidly. Then the next question is; is there light in Night? In every sad and dark situation light has to shine through. So, where is the light? If it isn't found in the hope, then it must be found in the brief moments of humanity. That is the only place that I can think of where light can be found in the night- the small tiny spots of light, the stars, the hope, the tiny bits of humaity.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Lucky 13
Those Penguin Police are so pesky. They seem to be coming after me twice as much as before. There they are again. Activate trap #28495609. There they go. Anyway, I can't say too much, they are closely monitoring all of my movements. Peter Rosen
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