Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have now returned from my absence! I had attend to, but now i am back and unharmed (though my lips are still sore...take that how you will).
Silly people who believe this fools me, and Patrick, you are getting quite idiotical (yes its a word), would you mind if i took over for you?
Now then, i will finish my invasion...
Now aren't you curious as to why i had this absence? Probably not...


  1. Oh, me, I thought you would of know me better, trust me, I am not as simple as you think.
    Patrick Suanda

  2. I know you arent simple, but you are starting to get quite foolish. This is why i offered. And yes, it is just an offer, not a threat.


  3. Trust me, I have everything under contr... Kevin!! Watch were you are going I want to get to our destination in one piece. *Mental note Fire Kevin*. Thank you for the offer, but I think, I can handle it right now.
    Patrick Suanda
