Or P! P is an amazing letter! It even starts off an amazing number... Pi! Which is (This is only to the millionth decimal place. It goes on (for those of you who don't have it memorized.(I do to the 8th place value)):
3. 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
Obviously that is not the millionth decimal place, I have just spent the last hour trying to get this thing to do a million but it almost crashed my computer.
What else is there that starts with P? Peter Rosen? Ooh... Interesting idea.. wait oh... no.. that's... too... okay moving on. Ellipses! Hehehe... Polaroids?
Polar Bears?? It's getting to near Christmas.. Which I love! Don't we all love Christmas....
Con mi burrito sabanaro voy camino de belen..... Noel noel!...
铃儿响叮当 or 门铃 (I'm not sure I don't speak/read chinese. Sorry Peter.)
Okay now I'm having difficulties with tape... darn... I WANT WHAT IS INSIDE OF YOU STUPID BOX! Okay sorry that was my inner monologue going there.
I love seeing people open stuff during Christmas, especially cards because no one can open a card perfectly. (evil laugh) That's it! People!
People come in many type, shapes and colors. (That sounded weird but let's roll with it! ) People are very interesting especially their habits. I am very observant but very rarely vocalize it so sorry. Some people: (note these are actual things I have noticed about you guys.) Some bite their lower lip when concentrating, some grab their necklaces... A LOT... some make really weird faces, some noses flare when they are lying... some always run their had through their hair. Some laugh in a very... interesting manner. Some play an imaginary piano, ( this one SO applies to me. Thank you for the smirk and the many hand slappings in geography while watching videos Taylor).
Have a nice break Wednesday and remember, this was the Monday of school for the rest of the year... DUN DA Daah!
THE SSS! ANINIMOUS! >:D, AHHHHHHH! (better than putting in too many exclamation points.)
Hehehe, okay that was a little fun. Now for some more fun stuff!
Just take the "Doom" Song and replace the word doom for Pengy or penguin. Hehehe.... Okay.... I'm still hyper from 4th period. No more sugar.. seriously it makes me super hyper if I get enough.. especially OREOS! I have a few stories about oreos..... BAD SLEEPOVER... But licorice is always a favorite... (evil laugh) Note: I found the last remaining piece of licorice in my basement a week after school ended last year. So close.. THEN SOMEONE JUST HAD TO STEAL MY SPRITE! :) My apologies again Taylor.
To stop from saying anything else stupid...
Jasmine Crespo
Help me decide:
ReplyDeleteSSS or Anti-SSS?
The SSS, it is the obvious choice.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
First off, I think you should of talked about penguins, but that is just me. Secondly. Nooo!!!! Don't join the SSS, help us save toast.
I need reasons to join the SSS.
Plus I left you in suspense.
Huh. Do you really want to go with that idiot. Neither he or you can stop us. We have already destroyed Antartica, and Australia. Murray is our next target. We already have everything planned, so just join the inevitable.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda.
NO!!! Don't help him. Trust me, If you join us, we can stop them and save all toast (SAT, for Taylor). We can stop there plans and destroy them once and for all.
Well how far into Murray? I live in Murray but onthe border of Murray District.
I never said I was helping him.
ReplyDelete1. Toast is a horrible thing.
2. We will eventually take over so why be on the losing side?
3. Do you really think Aninimous can stop us. I mean we have already destroyed Antartica, and Australia.
4. Aninimous is incompetant. Everyone he has capture, has been broken out, and is on our side.
Are those enough reasons.
Patrick Suanda
No!!! Please don't join the SSS. Reasons
ReplyDelete1. We do have captured SSS members, six in fact.
2. We have uncovered many plots and stopped some.
3. Toast is a great thing.
Enough is never enough! I'm leaning more towards...
ReplyDeleteAs far into Murray as we need to. As much as it takes to destroy toast.
ReplyDeleteAnother reason to join us is we have a fun acronym. It is the same acronym as Side Side Side.
Patrick Suanda
We...We... I guess Patrick got me there. We don't have a cool acronym.
What are you going to do next? A dance number perhaps? Ha! Perposturous1 (yes I know I spelled that wrong.) inconcievable! (yes that is misspelled also... hehehe)
Why delay the inevitable. Many of your friends are on our side.
ReplyDeleteMarisa Bell
Allie Neff
Steven Pappas
Patrick Suanda
How do I know you aren't lying??
I know!
ReplyDeleteI will join in your Rube Goldberg contest if you join the Anti-SSS
You can ask any of them and they will say that they are in the SSS. Also, I will do the Rube Goldberg Contest if that will make you join the SSS.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
ReplyDeleteI have money. Lots of money.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
I... I... I hate to say it, but we are low on money.
So? You are still the villain.
Just as a side note. We might beat the amount of comments on your nicknames post in very little time.
Depends on how you look at it. Do you like or dislike toast.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
And I care why? Aninimous back up your argument! Patrick is winning!
If you like toast, then I am the villian. If you dislike toast, then I am the greatest ally that you will ever have.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Um... Um... You like toast right. Think of what the SSS has, and can to do your friends. They have captured Peter, and corrupted Marisa, Allie, and Steven. Think of what might happen to you.
Maybe, but think of the good things that we can do for you.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
I like toast. I have it most mornings. Should I join the villain's side? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Fame, Fortune, Pride. All of this could be yours if you join us. Most of your friends have already made the decision, and it was the right one to join the SSS.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Anti SSS is winning now...
No!! Don't fall for it think of your morning snack, you don't want to give that up do you?
What are you really giving up. A small piece of bread. Think of all the good things that will come. Your dreams can come true if you join us.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
True I want fame, fortune I could live without, pride...
ReplyDeleteNice try Patrick...
Just decide already, and make it the right one. Think of what we have done to Peter.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Yes, but we almost have Peter back. There is nothing to worry about.
What exactly have you done to Peter?
You really think that you can get Peter back. You won't, but if you somehow do, we will just capture, him and you to Aninimous.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
We gave him a... "lecture" on what is right and wrong. Other than that nothing much.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Do you really believe that. I don't believe that for a second.
He is probably torturing you friend right now.
I swear on my life, that we are not torturing your friend.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Hmm..... Is there pay?
Are you going to take the word of a criminal?
We can pay you... Generously.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Don't torture Peter!!!
We can pay (hopefully).
Are you going to take the word of that penguin. He just said that they hardly had any money. I do promise you that we are not torturing Peter.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
In what?
If Jasmine will join us, I will make cuts, so she can get paid.
What do you want?
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Oreos, lots and lots of oreos.
By the way, we have easily exceed the number of comments on your nickname blog.
Ha! That is easy. We can give you as many oreos as your heart desires.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
You want oreos, um... we can get oreos to.
I know isn't it awesome? Now back to SSS and Anti-SSS.
Will you please make a decision already, I am getting a little bored of this.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
It's alright Aninimous.
Please join us Jasmine. Save the Toast.
Just join us now, and we can end this petty arguement.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Please of please Jasmine.
For that comment... I join the Anti-SSS! Ha!
Join us and join your friends.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Yes, thank you Jasmine!!!!!!! You will not regret this decision.
Fine, if that is what you want, but trust me, my revenge come quickly. Execute Order 66.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Trust me Jasmine, nothing will happen to you.
Order 66??
Just so you know. Armed student will arrive in your house to kidnap you soon. I would pack any belongings.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
I thought I ordered number 6...
You shall find out soon enough.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Jasmine, troops are on their way to pick you up now, you will be safe.
Oh no. Number six is for destroying Murray.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Wow, for a "Rich" organization you sure have sucky henchmen. He ran away at the sight of my dog. MWA HA HA
Well, I must leave now, enjoy your stay. Your very brief stay.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Jasmine, that was our troops, call off the dog.
Ok thanks for calling off the dog. You are safe now Jasmine.
Eh, you have her for now, but that will change soon. Very Soon.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
Another thing. The SSS knows much about the Anti-SSS. Names, locations, etc. The Anti-SSS, does not know much, other than our fake names, and one location of ours. A tiny island that we rarely use. Just something to think about.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
You are torturing me, Patrick. You put that fool Henri Verdivekt in charge of me. That's torture. But that Reper Stone guy was okay. Except the part with the axes and poisoned needles. Oh, by the way Aninimous, I'm not that happy with you either.
ReplyDeleteGuess who
It wasn't that bad, was it? I mean the needles only made you feel very sick, and throw up a couple of time. And with the axes, we only made some deep lacerations, and did not chop an arm or leg off. I would be happy if I were you.
ReplyDeletePatrick Suanda
You call those lacerations? Patrick, those were clearly incisions. And you know that I am immune to all 1584 poisons known to man (and 124,902,145,905,190 that aren't), so you give me the only one that gives me an uncontrollable twitch in my left arm? Torture!
ReplyDeleteGuess who...again