Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You Have a Problem

Hello and welcome to You Have a Problem.
Before I start with what I am talking about, I want to get some things straight.
First off, great job jellyfish for capturing Patrick Suanda and hopefully killing him.
Second off, if you didn't kill Patrick Jasmine is right and are part of this war yourself.
Now onto my exciting topic of the day.
Is a person 3D? Yes.
Is a computer 3D? Yes.
Is a pencil 3D? Yes. (This seems boring but now it gets better.)
Is a pencil mark 3D? Well, you might think that it is 2D, but I think that it is actually 3D.
As you can figure out a pencil mark has length and width, but does it have thickness. Well, yes. For the pencil to make a mark, there has to be graphite from the pencil on the paper. So, the graphite on the paper has a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny thickness, but it still has thickness which makes it 3D!!!
Now onto the really weird one.
Is light3D??? Well, the answer is yes, and maybe. Lets answer yes first.
As we all know a laser projects light. When you shoot a laser at a wall and sprinkle baby powder over it, you can see the whole laser. When you look at the laser then, you see that it has length, width, and thickness. Therefore, light is 3D.
The maybe part of this question has to do with light in the sky in its diffused form-ish thing.
I want to know what you guys think and give me any suggestions for things I should see if are 2D or 3D.
That is all for now.

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