Wednesday, October 14, 2009

To My Dearest Passion of Life By:Yvonne Wu

Those black and white keys, together. Straight.
In Patterns, 2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3...
In Letters, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C...
Something so repetitive. Creates music.
Everytime a different beat, note, harmony,melody.
These two beautiful staves. Treble and Bass.
Notes of creation.Whole,Quater,Half,Eight,Sixteenth.
The rests that take your breath away.
Sharps. Black. Flats. Black
Then those troubling doubles.
Make it so complicatted but makes you laugh
out loud when you beat it.
A song finished. Play again and again on those zebra color keys
Keys on outside.
Strings on inside.
3 pedals, LOUD, soft, echo...
Black and White keys.


  1. Haha Yvonne! My piano buddy!! That is totally how I feel when I play the piano at home! Good job! - Elise Scott

  2. I used to Play the piano but then my teacher moved. Great poem!

    Blake Harsh

  3. I really love the comparison in this!

    Melissa T. B.
