Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ideas, By Rhiannon Cordova
I like this because it makes me want to do something about the ideas I get, and to fulfill my potential. Always remember that no idea is a bad idea and that if you develop your's it might just be the best thing that happens to you. (:
2nd Place Winner!
Spook Machine
By Amanda Johansson
Black night, black cats.
Wonders all around.
White moon, white ghosts.
But there’s not a sound.
walking in the streets
With none but a candy bag.
Down a dark and dank alley,
I come across a hag.
She whispers to me
fearful words which are mean.
But I'm not afraid,I'm the Spook Machine.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My first paragraph for my essay,any comments welcomed Berkley L Mitchell
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Three Top Grammer Mistakes by Allie Neff
-Using capitalization wrong
-Spelling words wrong
-Knowing where to put punctuations
Do you agree?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Grammar Pet Peeves By: Tessa Yates
Ex: After Sasha won the competition.
Correction: After Sasha won the competition, she went to Chucky Cheese.
2. Not capitalizing proper nouns
Ex: My family traveled to europe in april.
Correction: My family traveled to Europe in April.
3. Using words incorrectly
Ex: The lions watched they're prey escape.
Correction: The lions watched their prey escape.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3 of my Biggest Grammar Pet Peeves by Brynn N Hall
When people use "txt talk"
correction: Oh my gosh, I love you, Talk to you later, Be right back
When people shorten words that shouldnt be shortened
ex: tlkin, u, r,
correction: talking, you, are
When people say.
ex: "that was the most funniest"
correction: "that was the funniest" or "that was the most fun"
What do you think?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Halloween Shape Poem by Dallas Anderson
and ghosts
are howling.
Bags are heavily filled with an abundance of candy,
And you recognize your neighbors Matt, Carl, and Mandy.
The candy is yummy, it gives you a buzz, it makes you go crazy,
That's what it does. All the lights are turned off and all the candy
Is gone, The night is peaceful, from dusk until dawn. Then there's
A sound that makes you go jumping, It's the sound of someone's
Feet thump, thump, thumping! There's a scream on the street and
My heart jumps out! I wanted to yell but nothing came out! My
fear was so great that I was shaking, I forgot about the
midnight snack I was making. Then all of a sudden
I woke up from my dreams. The kids outside
are yelling "Happy Halloween!"
Dallas Anderson
Quote from "26 Ways to Fail" By Jasmine Crespo
"The Kiss" By Jasmine Crespo
"When they were brought together, suddenly a single musical note went through them both-- and became one" - Edvard Munch
"The Kiss" 1897
My Biggest Grammar Pet Peeves by Dallas Anderson
1. Using words in the wrong order.
Example: Me and my friends played night games together.
Corrected example: My friends and I played night games together.
2. Using incomplete sentences.
Example: His dog ate that food fast.
Corrected example: Wow! Chris's dog ate that food faster than a cow!
3. Not capatalizing words.
Example: my friends and i went to see toy story 3.
Corrected example: My friends and I went to see Toy Story 3.
Dallas Anderson
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Grammar Pet Peeves Sierra Iams
-capitalization errors; (incorrectly done): i am so excited that aly is coming.
(correctly done) I am so excited that Aly is coming.
-text talk (incorrectly): We are waiting here 4 u.
(correctly): We are waiting here for you.
-incomplete sentences (incorrectly): He was wanting to tell you it.
(correctly): He was wanting to tell it to you.
A Summary of Chapter One of "26 Ways to Fail" By Jasmine Crespo ( Comment on this one please!)
Today is the start of my talent journal, for that reason, I’m going to date my entries.
June 5,
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I’m going to try archery. It shouldn’t be too hard. I’m now writing in my friend Jesse’s dad’s truck because Jesse convinced him to take us to archery classes. Jesse is psyched but I’m personally terrified. I’ve never tried anything like this in my life. There’s a first time for everything, right? This could be my hidden talent, my one shining moment, but just in case; here is my will. I’d like to thank my mom for giving birth to me, and she can have everything except for this journal I want her to burn it. I want to tell Shelby I will still hate/love her even when I’m dead, I will also haunt her and cut off her pigtails in her sleep. Tell Zach that “Borne Naked” can play at my funeral. I’d like Lilly, Jesse, and Kevin at my funeral. I think that is it. I hope before I die I at least find my talent.
As that was not depressing just cautionary, I’d like to move on. It is almost time for me to put this down and try the first thing on my list.
-- (Later)
Okay, Way #1 to fail
#1- Don’t listen to your instructor, also if you can, somehow make the arrow ricochet off the target and hit the instructors toupĂ© . If you didn’t get in enough trouble, try to help him and manage to set him on fire.
Oh, yes this is all true. Every last word. I was busy staring at a pretty girl that was sitting in front of me when the instructor was giving directions. Here is what I was hearing/thinking, “Make sure not to (Blah, Blah, Her hair is so silky, she smells good too, I wonder if she would go out with me. I wonder what her name is. She looks like an Amber. I wish she would turn around and look at me. I love you Amber, love you...)
Blah, blah, blah. Okay! Got it? Follow these simple rules and no one will get hurt.”
So I just winged it instead of asking Jesse. Sometimes I don’t think and that is why this happened. I aimed the bow and arrow, a pretty easy task right? I gently let go of the arrow; it looked like it was going straight but it bounced off the target and ricochet into the instructors hairpiece. His face then turned a fiery red and he hollered at me and told me I was banned for life from this facility.
One down twenty- five to go. On another note, it seems that Jesse did wonderfully at arching and was put at top of the class. I know he wants to brag but he knows it will make me feel bad. Turns out that Jesse also got that pretty girl’s number; and he told me that her name was indeed Amber. Maybe my talent is naming people! Let’s see, anyone who would ever read this is probably named reader! I’m good right? I’m getting more organized. Here is a chart of my success/failure so far.
Talent Date Success Failure
A- Archery June 5 N/A x
Grammer Errors Mckenzie Stauffer
The grammer errors that i think everyone has trouble with are capitalization, punctuation, and missspellings
Three Gramatical Errors By Jasmine Crespo
what is hapening 2 ur generation? txting has controlled us.
Depressing Poem, Marisa B.
Shattered I lie
Like a bird who can't fly
Scattered far and wide
I wish just to die
You decived me
I fell for the lie
The glass shattered
You left me, broken
Scarred form the shards pleas,
Lock me in,
Forget the key
Shattered I lie
Just leave me to die
This is one of my more morbid poems, but it's still fun to write. By the way my mom thinks that you might think that I'm suicidal. I'm not.
Silence By Jasmine Crespo
Is anything really silent?
There is the beat of your heart,
The thoughts in your mind,
The song in your heart.
Do any of these things qualify as
I sit and wonder
in silence?
Is true silence really silence,
or the absence of a loud sound?
Is silence really quiet?
The absence of noise?
Silence is a state of mind that is
3 Grammar Mistakes by Taylor Tomlinson
2. Not capitalizing the pronoun I
3. Bad comma usage
Bad sentence: i hate running, therefore i am normal apparently.
Corrected: I hate running because I am normal apparently.
Top Three Grammar Mistakes, Marisa B.
2. Capitalization
3. Run on sentences.
Sentence: I tried running but it was no use. My time had come.
Corrected: I tried running, but it was no use; my time had come.
By the way I'm horrible at grammar so any suggestions to help me remember them would be great!
Grammar Pet Peeves by Kyleigh Cooper
Top 3 Grammar Mistakes (Bellwork) By Alysann Flower
2. Forgets to Capitalize I
3. Writing incomplete sentences.
dana soweidan greatest pleasure
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
these are some funny quotes i thought of hahaha =)
a quote by dana soweidan
Demon's Eye stuff by Peter Rosen
Will was running through a dark forest. Suddenly, a bolt of black energy shot past him, barely missing his left ear. The spell hit a tree a few feet away. He watched as the tree, which had been healthy only seconds before, wilted and died. Another spell blazed past him, this one crimson red. It smashed into another tree which promptly burst into flames. A silvery bolt grazed his leg. Blood spurted from the wound.
He fell to the ground. He dragged himself onward. The spells continued to come. He dodged more bolts, but they just intensified. The pain in his leg became unbearable. He collapsed.
A figure appeared out of the darkness. Will called out for help. The figure approached him. It was an old man, slowly making his way through the looming trees of the cursed forest. The man carried a black staff with glowing red symbols that barely penetrated the darkness.
Will called out for help a second time. The man approached him and smiled a toothless smile. The man lifted his staff and brought it down onto Will’s back. Will cried out as he felt pain explode from the point where the staff made contact. The man lifted his staff and brought it down once more, all the while more bolts of energy from an unknown source exploded around them. Will lifted his hands to cast a spell, but nothing would come.
Will watched as a blue bolt of energy struck the man with the staff. The tormentor with the strange staff suddenly changed into ice. A second bolt hit the man and he shattered into a thousand pieces. Will turned around to see a dark figure standing before him.
She was tall and imposing, her deep blue eyes seemed to stare right through him. Her long black hair seemed to melt into her cloak in the darkness. A silver dagger appeared in her hand. She lifted it high above him and then drove it down toward him. It barely touched his arm, but his life seemed to drain out of him. Slowly he became weaker and weaker until finally he could feel nothing more. Then the laughter began. It drained him of hope and happiness. With one final twist of the dagger, everything went black.
Three Grammar Mistakes By Danielle Mabe
Monday, October 19, 2009
I came up with this on the way home. answer the last question at the bottom after you read this by Kaleb Rasmussen
for reasons I don't know why
I think it's love
and yet she's certain, unwavering
She does not mean to
but she continues
torturing me
I'm close to death
and she is yet ignorant
She is bound to someone forever
She is the devil
She is an angel
She can touch me
She can look at me with loathing
I can't
I can't make myself to die
I can pull the dagger on her someone
that would make her know how I feel
but could I do that?
could I do such a thing
no, I can't
if I hurts someone she might possibly love more than me
and she gets hurt,
I will get hurt with her
if this is love
then I would rather die
but before I pull the trigger I think;
could I possibly hurt her more than she is hurting me?
could she become shriveled up?
I let go
deciding to continue torturing myself
I know I can stop this madness
I can't bring myself to do it
I look at her every day
she looks perfect
how she should be
I look at myself
I am a disaster
as I should be
I hold on to the only hope I have
that she may break up with this person and take me
that I should be hers and hers mine
I wait
in the unimportant yet perfect dungeons of Satan
for a chance
a change
that for once she might love me
that I could take her into my arms and embrace her
so I can escape from the terrors of blackness
horrors of darkness
and the total incompleteness of death
what is this?
is this death?
is this the difference between Heaven and Satan?
holding on to the hope,
the chance,
that I may be fully alive and complete.
Instead of what she is making me be.
A failure
What is this?
Oprah? By Ellie Dow
Ok, the Pumpkin party was pretty cool and pretty popular and one year I thought I saw Oprah. Now I know what you guys are thinking, she's crazy. But I really thought it was her and I began to freak out and try to find my parents and tell them. I yelled to everyone,"Oprah at the Pumpkin party," as loud as I could and my parents gave me the one look that says,'are you crazy Ellie? Don't scare the guests Ellie.' But I wouldn't give up on them. I grabbed them by the arm and dragged to where I supposedly saw her but when we got there, my so called Oprah was gone. I was so embarassed and felt like an idiot, and when I look back on that day, that woman looked nothing like Oprah, not in any way or form. Now my parents make fun of me every year about that. Oh well, I'm just Ellie!
Love By Berkley L Mitchell
Coolio Quote :) by: Cassidy Nelson
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt's a really good quote!
The beginning of "26 Ways to Fail" a novel by Jasmine Crespo
By Jasmine Crespo
A Talentless Sack-
It was an early Monday morning, the sky was clear and the grass freshly mowed, the only thing wrong with this picture is that I was there. My name is Sam Bradley; I’m an eighth grader that has never found my talent. So far, the closest thing I have to one is messing everything up. That faithful morning I almost set fire to my house. It was a complete and total accident but that’s not the way my bratty sister Shelby sees it.
I almost set fire to my house by microwaving leftovers in tinfoil. It was an honest mistake; I was half-awake and craving the hot deliciousness of a day old steak. I wish I had it now, but the firemen are still examining its remains, because of this, I’ve decided that I won’t be a “talentless sack” anymore. I’ve created a list of talents and hobbies, A-Z. This shouldn’t be too hard... I think.
But before I show you my personal journal, you need some background information on my family and friends, and also me for that matter. So here you go.
Sam Bradley-
Okay, this might be tough for me to describe myself but here you go.
Sam Bradley is thirteen, almost fourteen, extremely tall for his age, and has burnt brown hair that is usually spiked. Sam is a mostly B and C+ student, but has the occasional A. For his talents he has none. Sam is most famous for messing situations up and his emerald green eyes.
Relationship status: Sam has never been kissed or so much as hugged by the opposite gender unless you count Aunt Beatrice kissing him on his thirteenth birthday. (That day has been repressed)
Best friends in the world are Jesse Simmons, Lilly Matthews and Kevin Hall. They are the people who will help me with my list.
Shelby Bradley-
Shelby is eleven, but you could swear she was five. She always wears her perky blonde hair in pigtails so high on her head; you’d think she’d receive communications from space on them. Shelby is also perfect, only to the untrained eye, she is pure evil from her dark blue eyes to those skis she calls feet. She always gets straight A’s, is always on the honor role, and can play the piano, violin, cello, bass, viola, flute, guitar, drums, and countless other instruments. You’d see why she’d call me a talentless sack.
Her equally annoying best friends are Kenzie Richards and Emily Black. Both are mindless little girls that copy everything Shelby does, not as in her talents but as in torturing little children who aren’t as “talented“, “pretty” or as “cool” as her.
Zach Bradley-
Zach is my cool older brother that drives a motorcycle. His hair is black and shaggy, luckily he’s nineteen and out of the house. He is the main singer for a punk rock band called “Borne Naked”. I think it’s cool and rebellious but my sister thinks it’s insulting. That gives me even more of a reason to like it. See, everybody in my family has a talent, except for me. I think I’m adopted; my father to whom I am an aesthetic clone shot down that theory! Amazingly enough, I’m taller than Zach is too. My brother has a girlfriend; her name is Ashley something. I think they’ve been dating for a month now. She’s blonde, blue eyed and very stupid. Don’t get me wrong, I like her it’s just that I think a stool is smarter than she is.
Mom- (A.K.A. Brianne Bradley)
Mom is well, Mom. She is really shorter then me, (Well who isn’t?) has ash brown hair that is always in that “mom” ponytail. You know the one right? Well anyways, she believes that I have a “special talent” somewhere inside of me. I really hope she’s right or my list will be a big waste of time. Her talents are cooking and advice. Her motto, “Live and Learn”. I’ll never understand that until I’m fifty. She’s a psychologist extraordinaire. Minus the crazies that would follow her around like a mother duck. Her best friends are other psychologists like her, Dr. Jane Winters and Dr. Kim Russo.
Dad-(A.K.A. Peter S. Bradley)
Dad is just like me. He’s gawky and tall. One major difference is that he has a talent. He’s a reporter for channel 13’s news. My father tells it like it is and is famous for it. He has met thousand of famous people in his career. He also tells cheesy jokes. His favorite one is how he got the middle name S. He claims an alligator ate his birth certificate and his parents couldn’t remember anything about his middle name except for it started with an s. So my father is Peter S. Bradley, s is for short. Ha, ha, very funny dad.
What annoys me the most is that I’m his exact talentless clone. He says that I might go into the family business; I extremely doubt that because I freeze in front of a crowd of more than my dog Biscuit.
Jesse Simmons-Jesse has been my best friend since kindergarten. We’ve been through everything together. Jesse is the kind of boy who is a “stud”. All the girls in school follow him around like lost sheep. Jesse is about a foot shorter than I am but can amazingly dunk a shot in basketball. Jesse is good in about every sport he tries. Does everyone have a talent but me? Moving on, Jesse is my best bud and he’ll support any of my crazy ideas, such as the list.
Lilly Matthews -
Lilly has been my friend since in third grade; when I tripped and fell down a whole flight of stairs and had to be air lifted to the hospital. She helped me up when no other people were around. She stuck with me, even though I was crying and bleeding. Even though all I had was a broken wrist. Lilly is a doctor, at least she would be except for the fact she is still thirteen. Her story is that I inspired her to be one.
She has auburn hair that is always put in a bun. I myself have only seen it down once or twice. She has a face speckled with freckles that highlight her honey brown eyes. She’s kind and sweet but has a temper at times. I’m sure these traits will help me trough my list, especially if things go wrong and I get hurt.
Kevin Hall-
Kevin is my friend that is my friend by accident. He’s a cool skater boy that I saved last fall when he was skateboarding and almost ran into the lake. He was saved from the freezing cold water by accidentally crashing into me and forcing me into the water. It was only three feet deep but I embarrassed myself by being a baby and almost drowning. He helped me up and we’ve been friends ever since. He’s my more worldly advice guy. He tells me that life is like skateboarding, if you fall, just get back up and ride. I know he doesn’t do drugs, but it would make a whole lot more sense if he was. He is properly going to be the one to help me do crazy things on my list.
That’s all the people I think I would need to help me do my list. If I eventually fail, then I’m indeed a “talentless sack”. A-Z is the game and I’m hoping to win. Now I’m just blathering on to fill valuable journal space. So here are my tasks.
A Sudden Urge To Cry by Maddie Olsen and Stephanie Johnson
What to do, when to do it, what should happen next, when my life is about to bend.
I hear a soft cry of helplessness as I consider these options.
Life or Death, it all seems like a sudden stopption.
I quickly decide to slip under, as if to go to the Underworld forever.
What a curious and stupid endeavor.
This is a poem that Maddie and I wrote. We felt the sudden urge to write a poem. I hope you enjoy it! P.S. I made up a new word...stopption. It rhymes with option so yeah.
A Really Cool Quote By: Janelle Leppink
"No one can make you feel inferior without your permission"
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I really like that one so.... Yeah Bye!!!
A Call from the Future By Savid Acuna
A Call from the Future
It was dim in the little hallway, just enough light to see where you were running. The musty air filling my already burning lungs was hot against my skin. Elizabeth was a few steps behind me running just as hard as I was.
“It’s gaining on us!” She called with great urgency.
I looked back for a split second and saw the thing; its body was a mix of a gorilla and a large spider. One of its arms was tipped with a huge claw that looked like it could rip through metal as if it were paper. It had a hard brown shell that covered its body. It was much taller than me or Elizabeth. It whipped at a worker in the submarine. The man was cut in half, blood spattered everywhere.
We took a right, just to find a metal wall staring at us. With a horrified scream Elizabeth turned to stare at the experiment gone wrong.
Today was one of those days that you just want to get over with. I was in English taking the test that would determine if I had to go to the dreaded summer school. Off the top of my head I could name a thousand things I would rather do than go to school in summer, one of them reading a book.
The bell rung just as I was finishing. Mr. Wagner gave me a cold stare for a reason I could not determine. I finally took a breath when I was in the hall. Elizabeth can up to me as I walked to my locker.
“Are you coming over tonight?” she said as I reached for my locker.
“Maybe, I need to do some homework for Wagner.” I responded.
“Okay, see you later then.” She said as she walked away.
“Later.” Was all I said, but it went unheard.
A Trap
Yes this is a trap that you have fell into. I hope you like it. I worked so very hard on it. This is the secret information hiding spot. If you have found this; please comment. Ask anything and it shall be answered. Say anything and it shall be heard.
Laser Tag Loser! By Ellie Dow
So you see I am horrible at Laser Tag and I can get lost very easily and if you guys still question it, listen to this. The year before I played Laser Tag and I came in second-to-last and the last place person wasn't even trying. I tried so hard and got so into it to come in second-to-last. Oh well, it's still fun to play wether you stink at it or not, which I do.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dark by Taylor Tomlinson
I was born in darkness
Yet I could still hear
I could still smell
I could still taste
I could still feel
Apparently all life was like this
Like a last meal
My parents would tell me
Wonderful stories of something called light
It would bring colors to the darkest of nights
I have dreamed of one day seeing this light
Though I will probably never see it, in all my might
They told me once
That the tiniest light shines in the darkest shadows
So, I wonder, where is my light?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Deepest Fear By Taylor Tomlinson
I'm afraid of darkness
I'm afraid of sadness
I'm afraid spiders.
But these things don't scare me as much as one thing.
It tortures me
It tries to bring me down
It loves to yell and scream at me
It loves to hold me back when I try to succeed
I'm afraid of a lot of things
But my deepest fear..
Is me.
the extra mile dana soweidan
Halloween Is My Favorite Thing--dana soweidan
Another poem, by Marisa B.
Unbroken I stand
Like a horse forever untamed
You tore me apart
But I stand unbroken
Like a child's game
That goes on and on
I cut it short
You tore me apart
But strangely enough
I stand unbroken
I got the idea from my sister and her friend. They where guessing if some noodles where broken or not. Funny huh?
Yet Another Interesting Quote by Peter Rosen
And So It Begins by Peter Rosen (Please Comment)
James glanced up as the door burst open. “I wonder what it is this time,” he muttered under his breath. The captain had to go to a meeting with the king, several advisers and the general, James’ father. It seemed that now that James was temporarily in charge, everything went wrong. Two guards had come down with some sort of sickness, and, of course, those two were scheduled for guard duty. By the time James had been able to track down two guards to fill the positions, there was another problem. One of his guards who was on duty the night before had gone missing. They had tried to find him, but the doors to the deep dungeons, where the guard had been patrolling, were not only locked, but by some strange happening, every key that they had tried did not work. Eventually, James was forced to resort to bashing down the door. This task had also seemed to be unnaturally difficult. The only thing that could have done this was magic, and that was precisely the problem.
“We need the captain in the dungeons immediately!”
James stared at the guard and raised his eyebrows. “The captain?”
“Yes, the captain,” the guard replied.
“As you very well know, the captain is in a meeting with the king himself, and unless you want to go inform the king personally just why you are interrupting their very important meeting, you’ll have to settle for me.”
The guard seemed to consider the choice for a moment. “We need you in the dungeons immediately,” the guard declared.
“Excellent choice,” James said dryly, “Now what is it you want me to see.”
“Well we found the guard. The guard’s name is Benjamin,” the guard told James somewhat nervously.
“I know his name,” James interrupted. “Go on, and this time, tell me only things that I don’t know.”
“Yes, yes of course,” the guard replied quickly. “As you know, we have been trying to bash down the door for quite some time. Well, we got through.”
“I would never have guessed.” By now, James was thoroughly annoyed.
“And we found the guard…”
“And we’re pretty sure that he’s dead.”
“He’s dead? How did he die?”
“We have absolutely no idea. Oh, and by the way, the prisoner’s gone.”
“The prisoner’s gone? Why didn’t you tell that to me in the first place?” “Well I thought it wasn’t that important.”
“The tyrant king who has ruled this land for the past five thousand years goes missing from is magically confined prison cell and you think it’s not important?!! You idiot! You imbecile! You don’t deserve to be a guard! No one is that stupid!”
James was very frustrated. Henry, the guard that he was talking to, was James’ favorite. Henry had applied to be a guard, but failed. He wasn’t as skilled a fighter as the others and that was what had stopped him from being a guard. It would have ended for Henry then and there if James had not heard of him. James saw something in Henry that others did not. Henry was extremely intelligent, and an excellent leader. James had managed to convince the captain that Henry’s unique abilities would make him an excellent guard, but now, James was having his doubts.
I'm working on it, and I would really appreciate your comments to make it better.
Red Heart Balloon by Brynn Hall

But I let go accidently, and it ran away.
We chased if for miles and miles, with your hand in mine,
Your hand was warm and sweaty, but it felt just fine.
As we watched it float up to the heavens, a tear formed in my eye,
You told me that balloon was special, then quietly said goodbye.
I stood there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do,
When I finally realized, I really did love you.
I am older now, bigger and wise.
But sometimes I see that heart balloon, when I close my eyes.
I see you every now and then, but you never say 'Hi',
I'm sure now that I don't have you, and my heart slowly dies.
I wish I could go back, to that hot summer day,
When you gave me a red heart balloon, and it ran away.
Random Quote of the Moment by Stephanie Johnson
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." -Thomas Jefferson
"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value." -Albert Einstein
"Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery." -Jane Austen
If you would like to find out more about Jane Austen's life, you can click here for a blog all about her.
The Murder on Main Street By: Janelle Leppink
The scratching on the window is what first awakened me. I sat up in bed, skittish as a bug. I hurried to pull on my robe and slip out of bed. As my feet hit the floor they made a small thump and I froze. What if the intruder heard me? What if they were coming up stairs? I stood there for at least ten minutes which felt like ten hours. I finally decided to go down the steps and look out the front window. As I did I saw a shadow scurry from in front of the door like a cat flees from a dog. I pressed myself against the wall and grabbed my gun off of the hooks on the wall. I crept to the front door and unlocked it and pushed it open. A large figure leaped at me and before I could stop it, it was on top of me. Then I realized that the figure was my German Shepard dog, Rowley, and he was just excited to see me.
I was so scared these days, always alert, always watching. I thought that they had tried to get me again. Every time they came it was just like that, in the middle of the night, scratching on the window and a leap from behind the door in hopes to charge my house and steal the chest which held the only evidence, the only evidence, I had of my great-grandfather not being the murderer of Annabelle Lockington. The only proof that my family was innocent.
More later, but I'm still figuring out the plot!!
Setting description 10, Preston Hummer
A night to remember By Ellie Dow
But, all of a sudden I heard the yell from a friendly voice yelling to me, "GO ELLIE!" and I felt lively again, as if I was in my bedroom singing in my brush and singing to my favorite song on the radio. Because of that friend I was able to do it and the crowd roared in applause after I finished.
After I tried to look for that friend but when started looking my friend was already gone. I never got to thank my friend for giving me the best night ever. Because of my friend I conquered my stagefright and let the true Ellie rise up and sceam for all to hear. So thanks!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Some Random Quotes by Allie Neff
"To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail."-Michael Jordan
"Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something." - Plato
"You only live once...but if you live it right, once is enough" -Unknown
Shape Poem by Dallas Anderson
It's what lets us get through
Choir Concert by Brynn Hall
Best Saying in the History of the Earth by Will Matthews
Try figuring that one out!
Here is my short story rough draft, be brutal with comments thanks :)
We had just finished the qualifying game, and we had won! Are coach had taken us out to center field to congratulate us on our victory, and he had come with a warning about the upcoming game we were going to be facing. We were to play the Predators. He told us that he wanted us to go home and rest up, he wanted us full of energy, when the time came.
As we all head home, you just know that everyone is thinking about the most important game of our young short lives! This game depends on whether we go to the state championship or not, everyone gets home and just sits by the clock and watches as that slow minute hand slowly counts down…
Jeter gets in the batter’s box, and gets an easy single, and then she steals to second and makes it effortless. Erica strikes out leaving us with one out, then lexis steppes up and hits a hard grounder to the third basemen and it zips right past her. Leaving Jeter and lexis on first and second. Madi gets up and pops outs giving us two outs, Rashelle steps up and smacks one to left center and moves everyone one base. Then I get up bases loaded, two outs, and the knowledge that I’m going to crush the ball. But instead I ground out from third. As I walk back from first, I lift my head up, and take a deep breath, and tell myself that I am going to get a great hit.
It goes back to back innings, and we get closer and closer to the final inning, both teams battle harder and harder to pull ahead of the other team. Both teams are tired and beat down but play with every last strength, doing things they have not ever thought that they could possibly do!
Batters out screams the ump, as we race into the dugout for the finally inning of this bloody battle. “Ok girls, this is what we have been working and training for, go show these people why fusion deserves and have earned this!” Yelled Coach Bree, over the cheers of our anxious parents in the rumbling stands. “Hey guys new pitcher” called Zoe from the far end of dugout. Simultaneously we all turn our heads, and we see this minuscule girl with brown braids and the biggest glasses you have ever seen! We all just start to laugh and go back to our conversations. But then we here the loudest battle cry, you have ever heard, and we watch the ball go from pitcher to catcher in point three seconds! Everyone does a double take! And you could see the worry on everyone’s face, as Jeter steps up to the plate and the ump yells “Batter up!” She takes a deep breath and steps up to the challenge, “Strike one” Bellows the ump, “Come kid nobody better” yells the team and the parents. Then the pitcher did the most daring pitch out there…. A down the middle fast ball. When Jeter sees the chance she grabs it with both hands and holds on for the ride. She hits the gas and coasts gracefully around the bases as if a blades on ice. When she gracefully dives into third, a scream erupts from the parents and the girls! She is beaming ear to ear! With the pitcher starting to feel the pressure her pitches slowly drift from strikes to balls. After two batters the bases are loaded, and big bad Rashelle steps up to the plate, you can see the pitcher turn a ghostly shade of white. When Rashelle get the pitch she drives it up to right field, past the right fielder and slams into the fence, the crowd goes ballistic, as one, two, three runs score! With the winning run on third! As I step up to bat, there is only one thing on my mind, the perfect pitch, and the perfect hit. All that we need is a base hit and we win, as soon as the pitcher releases the ball Rashelle get a huge jump, and I pull the perfect inside pitch and it gets past the third base man and Rashelle corse and we win! The crowd goes mad!
Everyone rushes to the field, and jumps on top of Rashelle and I, and we get hugged, praised, and adored, I looked over the teams pitcher who was weeping, I mange to pull myself out from the pile of madness, and I walk over to her, and congratulate her, and tell her what a heck of a game she pitched. And tell her to keep up the good work, and hope to see her again sometime. She managed to look up at me and say “thank you for being such a great sport, and you played on heck of a game to.”
And I knew deep down in my heart that I would see her again someday, maybe not on the softball field, but somewhere along our life journeys.
Here is my short story rough draft, be brutal with comments thanks :)
We had just finished the qualifying game, and we had won! Are coach had taken us out to center field to congratulate us on our victory, and he had come with a warning about the upcoming game we were going to be facing. We were to play the Predators. He told us that he wanted us to go home and rest up, he wanted us full of energy, when the time came.
As we all head home, you just know that everyone is thinking about the most important game of our young short lives! This game depends on whether we go to the state championship or not, everyone gets home and just sits by the clock and watches as that slow minute hand slowly counts down…
Jeter gets in the batter’s box, and gets an easy single, and then she steals to second and makes it effortless. Erica strikes out leaving us with one out, then lexis steppes up and hits a hard grounder to the third basemen and it zips right past her. Leaving Jeter and lexis on first and second. Madi gets up and pops outs giving us two outs, Rashelle steps up and smacks one to left center and moves everyone one base. Then I get up bases loaded, two outs, and the knowledge that I’m going to crush the ball. But instead I ground out from third. As I walk back from first, I lift my head up, and take a deep breath, and tell myself that I am going to get a great hit.
It goes back to back innings, and we get closer and closer to the final inning, both teams battle harder and harder to pull ahead of the other team. Both teams are tired and beat down but play with every last strength, doing things they have not ever thought that they could possibly do!
Batters out screams the ump, as we race into the dugout for the finally inning of this bloody battle. “Ok girls, this is what we have been working and training for, go show these people why fusion deserves and have earned this!” Yelled Coach Bree, over the cheers of our anxious parents in the rumbling stands. “Hey guys new pitcher” called Zoe from the far end of dugout. Simultaneously we all turn our heads, and we see this minuscule girl with brown braids and the biggest glasses you have ever seen! We all just start to laugh and go back to our conversations. But then we here the loudest battle cry, you have ever heard, and we watch the ball go from pitcher to catcher in point three seconds! Everyone does a double take! And you could see the worry on everyone’s face, as Jeter steps up to the plate and the ump yells “Batter up!” She takes a deep breath and steps up to the challenge, “Strike one” Bellows the ump, “Come kid nobody better” yells the team and the parents. Then the pitcher did the most daring pitch out there…. A down the middle fast ball. When Jeter sees the chance she grabs it with both hands and holds on for the ride. She hits the gas and coasts gracefully around the bases as if a blades on ice. When she gracefully dives into third, a scream erupts from the parents and the girls! She is beaming ear to ear! With the pitcher starting to feel the pressure her pitches slowly drift from strikes to balls. After two batters the bases are loaded, and big bad Rashelle steps up to the plate, you can see the pitcher turn a ghostly shade of white. When Rashelle get the pitch she drives it up to right field, past the right fielder and slams into the fence, the crowd goes ballistic, as one, two, three runs score! With the winning run on third! As I step up to bat, there is only one thing on my mind, the perfect pitch, and the perfect hit. All that we need is a base hit and we win, as soon as the pitcher releases the ball Rashelle get a huge jump, and I pull the perfect inside pitch and it gets past the third base man and Rashelle corse and we win! The crowd goes mad!
Everyone rushes to the field, and jumps on top of Rashelle and I, and we get hugged, praised, and adored, I looked over the teams pitcher who was weeping, I mange to pull myself out from the pile of madness, and I walk over to her, and congratulate her, and tell her what a heck of a game she pitched. And tell her to keep up the good work, and hope to see her again sometime. She managed to look up at me and say “thank you for being such a great sport, and you played on heck of a game to.”
And I knew deep down in my heart that I would see her again someday, maybe not on the softball field, but somewhere along our life journeys.
Paragliding by Kaleb Rasmussen
Once I got to the front of the line, remembering from my studies since I never took lessons. I had to jump at exactly the right ti-woah! I am in the air! I shift to one side and the whole glider moves erraticly to the side. I need to focus. I need to land in the foothills on the other side of the valley. But I just couldn't seem to find the exact spot. I found it! Uh oh, I could see all the other gliders around me wobbling. I seemed to sense it before it got to me, the high wind. I relaxed and went through the text again, when this wind gets to you, you have to relax, lift up right as it hits you and you'll do fine. I did exactly what it said, yes, I got it! I angled my body toward the area where I wanted to be, and prepared for the dive. I tightened my grip, and ...dived! I could hardly hear the yelps of surprise, that other gliders, and paragliders were giving me as I rushed to the ground, all I could think of was getting the right angle and position.
Life by Melissa Tatazi Brummett
Not a thing to laugh about
Life is a hard task
One we must complete
Life is a bird
In Flight
Life is a thought
Life is a sky
Cloudy at times
Life is a way
For us to grow old
Life is the rain
We can dance through
Life is the key
To treasures unknown
LifeIs the way that we live
Leaping into Love By McCall Mash
you take one step to the edge of the cliff
you look over fear and excitement all mixed together
in one big mass of emotions
then you take a running leap off the edge
putting faith in yourself
Trusting you know where to land when its all over with
A Great Quote By Rhiannon Cordova
- Norman Vincent Peale
More Demon's Eye Stuff by Peter Rosen (Please tell me what you think)
“I summon the Shadow Queen.” It was barely audible. James stopped. Did he dare to go on? No matter what she said, James believed that the Shadow Queen had killed Benjamin. Would the same thing happen to him? “I summon the Shadow Queen.” He had said it a second time now and nothing had happened. What did he have to fear? It had been foolish to think that what she had told him was true. She would not appear; she just wanted him to seem foolish. It had been a trick all along. He would say it one final time, and that would be that. This fantasy about finding the Demon’s Eye would finally end “I summon the Shadow Queen.”
The room was suddenly colder. His candle began to flicker, and then went out. He waited for the demonic laughter to begin, but it never did. He waited for the fear to begin clawing at him, but it never did. The moment had soon passed. He relit the candle and sat down. It had been a lie all along; she would never appear. He had been a fool. He stood up to leave the room, but something stopped him.
“You called?” said a voice from the darkness
I would love to hear your comments and suggestions on this. If you want to read more, just ask me.
Here's another quote to add, Marisa B.
-Marisa B.
Another Interesting Quote by Peter Rosen
More Interesting Stuff by Peter Rosen
“He wasn’t like this when we got here. He was on the ground, with a look of total fear on his face, not a mark on his body. His face was pale as a ghost, and there was no sign of the prisoner. His eyes were the worst though. So I told them to search the body, but everyone was afraid to, so I did it myself and as soon as I touched him…” He motioned vaguely at the skeleton.
Random Quote by Stephanie Johnson
- "Where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?" - Jane Austen
Two of my Biggest Grammar Pet Peeves by: Brynn Hall
Words, Words, Words posted by Ms. L

Here's part of the interview: Before Taylor was a singer, she was a poet. She won a national poetry contest when she was only 9 years old, and by the age of 12 she was putting her poems to music. "If you can put words together the right way, and if you put the right rhymes at the end of the right sentences, you can make words bounce of a page. That's always been my favorite thing," she says. "I've made sure that in any situation and with any record label, I'm allowed to write my own music."
It all begins with ideas and writing.... :)
For more of the interview, click here.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Five Writing Pet Peeves by Will Matthews
2. When people pronounce words with a w and a silent h as "Hwy?" for example.
3. When people pronounce z sounds as s sounds like in crazy.
4. When people write a word twice in a row on accident.
5. When people don't capitalize I.
Haikus by Dallas Anderson
Glowing mysteriously
Way up in the sky.
Birds in the sky
Makes me wish I could fly
Flying north for spring.
Swallowing prey whole
Slithering through the forest
Interesting snakes.
Hanging upside-down
Bats roam around in the dark
Catching bugs for food.
Tearing meat apart
Lions scare off all others
King of the jungle.
Dallas Anderson
Just Because- Alex Crowell
Just Because- a poem for the feminist.
Just because I am a girl
Does not mean I will sit at home.
Does not mean that I knit or bake.
And it doesn't mean I won't send rockets to the moon.
Just because I am a girl,
Does not mean I wear skirts or floral print.
Does not mean I give myself away for the slightest bit of attention.
And it doesn't mean I am containable.
Just because I am a girl,
Does not mean you always win in running races or power over me.
Does not mean I am not worthy of wining or power myself.
And it does not mean that you can stop me.
Just because I am a girl.
Do you think you are higher then me?
In fact, where would you be without me?
Do you think I am yours?
I'm not.
Power By Taylor Tomlinson
Salaena and Jamie ran through the woods, doing anything to avoid Kya. Salaena was already several yards in front of Jamie, as usual. "Come on!" She screamed, but Kya had already caughten up to Jamie. Salaena had no choice but to go back and protect her best friend. Immediately, she started hitting people. She didn't enjoy fighting, but she liked the thought that she always did damage. Jamie had curled up into the fetal position, hoping to avoid as much blows as possible. Kya laughed, "That's all you got?" She punched a few more times, then Kya and her gang left.
Jamie got up, she only had a few scratches on her. Salaena had a black eye. "Sorry for not fighting back," she murmured. "It's ok, I just like to fight back to show that I'm no afraid.." She trailed off, catching Jamie's glare. "Not that being afraid is bad!" Jamie scowled, and started to walk. "Come on, let's get to your grandma's place."
Simple Love - Lyrics to a song( Written by Jasmine Crespo)
Said I couldn't wait until it ends.
Then I saw you from across the place
With love in your eyes and a smile on your face
Love is pure, love is simple, love is sweet,
Love is when a boy and a girl meet.
It's not complicated it's simple, simple love
No computers, no anything, just a girl
Who wants to sing 'bout a boy,
That she saw at a party
He was her first kiss
But she was the girl he'd miss
Asked her to dance on that day...
And there they would stay...
Until she answered...
Love is simple, love is sweet,
Love is when a boy and a girl meet
It's not complicated it's simple, simple love.
Should she say yes or no?
Where would this relationship go?
She's only meeting him this one night,
Why does this feel so right?
Love is simple, love is sweet,
Love is when a boy and a girl meet
It's not complicated it's simple, simple love
Clock's ticking and the night is high
By then there love's in the sky
She's made a grave mistake no
She doesn't care where this relationship goes
She just knows it's simple, true, sweet love.
Love is simple love is sweet,
Love is when a boy and a girl meet.
It's not complicated it's simple simple love.
Danced on a dance floor,
Went to the movies
Both got a brain freeze
By slurping down smoothies
Five years later when the time was write
They got married man and wife
Had three kids and one on the way
And still this is what they would say..
Love is pure, love is simple, love is sweet
Love is when a boy and a girl meet
It's not complicated it's simple, simple love
( simple, simple, love.......)
My Favorite Quote of All Time By Jasmine Crespo
~Eleanor Roosevelt
forget -alexandria zinov..
try to forget your smile,
that smile that made you shine.
forget the thoughts of you that took my breath away.
forget your touch that made my heart skip a beat. made me panic.
forget your eyes, oh your eyes that stood out in the night.
forget all the memories.
laughing. smiling. happy. with you.
i'll forget me and you.
i'll try to forget you.
i already know i'll fail.
picture -alexandria zinov
Never Will I. -alexandria zinov.
A cold day it was today, the wind blowing hard and drops of water fall from the sky and on the the bench that i was sitting at. "I am going to be late to school" sighed keara. then the bus pulled up and she climbed on in a hurry.
The Day Of My Life. By Taryn Green
I sat there in my room, remembering the night that tore my family apart. The night that, ten years ago, still gives me an ache and makes me curl into a ball and let the grief overwhelm me.
It was a warm Autumn day in Portland, Oregon. My parents and I were heading up to our favorite camping spot for picnic. I was six, in first grade and ready to take on the world. I hadn't known the difference between gone-as in gone for the weekend- and gone- gone for good.
I remember all of us laughing in the car as we got closer to our special spot. My mom and dad grinning at me in the backseat, holding hands and smiling into each other's eyes. My dad was driving that day. Just as he looked back at me when I got his attention, something ran into the road. And we ran off the road. I remember hearing my name yelled in terror. I remember screaming for my mommy and my daddy, begging them to tell me what was going on, to tell me why I was hurt. Then, I remember blacking out.
I woke up in the hospital four days later. I had three broken bones in my tiny body. I was told that my parents weren't in any pain. I didn't know what that ment. I thought that they were alive and safe. But I was wrong.
Okay, that is everything I have written so far. I need ideas and some feedback!
The Girl in the Crazy Glasses By Ellie Dow
Alright, here's the first chapter. Make sure to tell me what you think. I love opinions. Thanks!
Chapter 1
All my life I’ve wanted to be known for something important. To make a difference doing something nobody else could do. But how? Let me introduce myself, I’m Charlotte Mate, or what most people call me, The girl in the crazy glasses. Another thing you could call me, Unpopular. How I became that way. I have always been different. I always wanted to fit in but I just couldn’t. My dad tried to invite the kids of the people he was in charge of and before the parents even left the house they were screaming and clinging to their parents’ legs. What else could I do? I sat in the tire swing, confused, not knowing what else to do. Dad came out and leaned on the swing. “What’s the matter sweetie,” he said. “Nobody likes me and nobody will. I look like a freak.” Angrily I tore off my glasses and threw them to the floor. “All because of these.” I crouched in to a small ball, hiding my face in my legs, feeling warm tears run down my face.“Sweetie,” dad started. It doesn’t matter what’s on the outside, what matters is what’s in your heart.” He lifted my head, pulled out a hankie from his pocket and wiped the tears as they began to fade. He grabbed my hand and put it against my heart. I could feel the warmth of my chest and the pounding of my heart. When that happened, I knew that he was right. My heart was pure, and so was his. I just couldn’t feel it for a while.I looked into my dad’s eyes, blue and pure. He knelt down to pick up my glasses and put them on me in such a gentle way. He began to smile, the smile he hadn’t had since mom died. We stayed out until the moon shone brightly above us.Then all of a sudden that smile began to fade, his eyes began to roll back, his spine quiver. He began to shake on the ground uncontrollably. “Dad!” I cried. I ran inside and called 911. “My Dad, something’s happening to him, you’ve got to come now,” I screamed into the phone. “Don’t worry dad, you’re going to be all right, I know you are.” I looked into his eyes again, they didn’t look like his anymore.
Breath Of Life By Taryn Green
But others seem to have to much.
People don't get married, they elope.
Why don't I fit into that bunch?
I can't see why I don't fit in,
Am I being blamed for a crime?
Did I commit a sin?
I know I need some time.
Some love is what I need,
A brave prince to save my life.
Soon my heart won't bleed,
As I get the Breath Of Life.
Sorry That I Killed You by Melissa Tatazi Brummett
Once a nightmare lifted
Cradled in the Crested Arms
Of my Lover’s Life
Sorry That I Killed You
My Heart still beats for you
Come back into the Swirling Mist
And live within the Killer’s Kiss
No one wanted wonderous Nightingale
As she was too burdened of Hate
By Night’s last lingering love
Give thee my words of fate
“Sorry That I Killed you
My Heart still beats for you
Come back into the Swirling Mist
And live within the Killer’s Kiss”
Running songs in my head
And Killing every dream
Yet nothing seams to work
To break my Endless Seam
Sorry That I Killed You
My Heart still beats for you
Come back into the Swirling Mist
And live within the Killer’s Kiss
Cradle my Love
Hold it tightly in your hands
It could slip away
And hold a daring End
Sorry That I Killed You
My Heart still beats for you
Come back into the Swirling Mist
And live within the Killer’s Kiss
To My Darling Passion of Life By: Yvonne Wu
Pen. Pencil. Dark as Black at the ends.
Soft. On top.
Imagination. So much. Pushing out of my head
and onto paper. Line after Line.
Next page. Genre.
Mystery:Suspence: Murder
Romance: Quixotic: Infatuations: Love: Passion
Horror: Scary: Frightening: Shocking
Comedy: Funny: Hilarious
Action: Fighting: Motion
Drama: Trouble
All of them slowly being written. Crossed out. Erased. Until...
Final Draph. Read over and over. Ask for opinion.
Take it. Good or Bad. Until...
Another imagination. Pushing it's way out of my head.
Pencil & Paper
Creative Writing.
To My Dearest Passion of Life By:Yvonne Wu
In Patterns, 2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3...
In Letters, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C...
Something so repetitive. Creates music.
Everytime a different beat, note, harmony,melody.
These two beautiful staves. Treble and Bass.
Notes of creation.Whole,Quater,Half,Eight,Sixteenth.
The rests that take your breath away.
Sharps. Black. Flats. Black
Then those troubling doubles.
Make it so complicatted but makes you laugh
out loud when you beat it.
A song finished. Play again and again on those zebra color keys
Keys on outside.
Strings on inside.
3 pedals, LOUD, soft, echo...
Black and White keys.
Interesting paragraph posted by Peter Rosen
“Nobody escapes the searchers; the target either goes with them or dies.”
Interesting Quote posted by Peter Rosen
Glass, a poem by Marisa Bell
Love is like glass
Sometimes smokey and hazy
Other times crystal clear
Many times it's an illusion
Glass will shatter,
Leaving you with many scars
A piece will come out
Can it be fixed?
Or will the rest crumble away?
This is a random poem that I'd thought I'd share. I'd love your opinions on it. By the way this poem is not written from experience.
Sunrise By Rhiannon Cordova
For the night has ended,
My dreams are lost,
My sleep suspended.
But it's all worth it,
To see the sunrise,
A spectacular water color,
In my eyes.
The darkness before,
Is beautiful, too,
The last tinge of night,
Before the glorious hue.
I watch the night,
Fade into day,
Seeing delightful oranges,
Escape the gray.
The reds are a burst,
Of vibrant excellence,
The yellows create,
An amazing balance.
I wish the sunrise could stay forever,
Yet it is not steadfast,
I guess we must always remember,
Good things never last.
I wrote this poem in creative writing, I thought I'd share it with all of you.
City of Wonder By Danielle Mabe
Some of the shapes consist of rectangles, cylinders, and squares. It's a very detailed picture, some trees are close, and some far away, but the leaces can be distinctly seen if you look hard enought. Some edges on the mountain are very steep, or a complete drop-off. There is a street below that has boats being draged somewhere, or parked on the side of the road.
The Giant Wheel By Peter Rosen
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Moonlight Picture by Will Matthews
The photographer By:Xander Summers
My Blog by Dallas Anderson
If you are a fan of any sport, check out my blog!
Click below to go to my blog!
Slightly Soaked Toes by: Cassidy Nelson :)
The City of Peace By Savid Acuna
The scene seems full of life yet not a single soul is in sight. It is peaceful and relaxing to look upon such scenery of beauty and harshness towards the once natural place it was before. The sun is low in the sky casting shadows here and there. Overhead it is cloudless, as on a beautiful spring day. Just on the horizon you can see the silhouette of mountains that have escaped the wrath of modern society. It is late in the year for some plants have started to change the colors of their leaves and are getting ready for winger. There might have been rain lately for the grass looks as though it has been soaked straight to the roots. Not many plants are shown because most of the ground is covered in concrete.
There are many kinds of structures in this place of peace. Some tall with many levels to them and some as small as plain houses. There is a large structure with stains on the roof, of age and rain. It might as well be an important place because the size is great and could house many people. There may be hundreds of structures scattered all around the city, so it seems like a great ocean of cement and bricks washing the land. If you have business or just want to go to the opposite land you can take a boat or drive. From this point you could think that there aren’t such things as problems in the world. Everything seems it is in harmony with all of its surroundings.